Part 10 a hard distion

Start from the beginning

Luke: Your banged?!

Sawyer: Your stepbrother

Shane: Joeys not my stepbrother, his my boyfriend.

Sawyer: thats brave, so thats why you have been so quiet?

Joey: I honesty didn't want to tell you guys before we came out to dad and Theresa

Sawyer: sounds fair, so how is it?

Shane: yeah its good, Joeys a good boyfriend and all, huge too

I said with a wink.

Luke: okey, too far... Ice cream anyone, its on me

So we all got ice cream and sat down in a booth, talking about have happen seance the night at our house. We told them how me and Joey got together and all that, how angry Joe got and how we had escaped to the tree house over the past two weeks.

Sawyer: thats kind of sick, don't get me wrong, your dads a great guy but when he do that to you, his own son. I cant believe that

Joey: luckily he's working a lot so we don't have to see him under the days

Sawyer: I hope your okey, you know my house is always open for you

Luke: Mine too

Shane: thanks guys

After that Joey and I had to get home, we wanted to get some last things before Joe came home. So while by the door... we heard yelling...

Shane: how do we do now?

Joey: We using the back way

We sneaked to the backyard and was about to clime up the tree when.

Joe: Joey! You come down now so I can talk to you

He was... clam...

Joey: what do you want?

Joe: Lets get inside

Joey: no, i wont

Joe: please Joey

Joey looked back at me, Joe had started to clam down around him, but we did hear him yell just minutes before... My mom was by the door to

mom: you too Shane

So we both got inside and were in the living room. I sat beside Joey, hoping that it was an accepted from Joe about our relationship...

Joe: Theresa and I... are separating...

Both me and Joey were in shock, they loved etch other! I have never seen my mom so happy around another guy like Joe!

Shane: Why?

Joe: We cant fight like this, you boys are possible sick after living in a tree house for the past two weeks

Joey: Why do you care?! Your the one letting us out there!

Joe: Im sorry, but its nothing I can say more then I don't like the idea about you two are dating

Joey: You still don't accept that?

Joe: Joey look, Shane and Theresa are moving back to Long beach

Shane: NO! mom?

Mom: Im sorry honey, but we have our family there, and we don't have to change your school needier, it will be the best way...

Shane: But... Joey...

Joe: I send Joey over the breaks and that, if you want to of corse

Joey: But... I want Shane here...

Mom: Im sorry boys

Joe: I do accept your dating, but just now when Theresa and I are friends

I wanted to cry, I saw how my mom was about to cry... her engagement ring was gone from her finger. What have I done! I love Joey more then anything... but, my moms number one...

Shane: will we stay if... Joey and I break up?

Joey looked shocked at me.

Joe: I guise it would stop the fighting...

I had a hard diction on me. One was to make mom and Joe happy, but that meant i had to break Joeys and mine heart, but we would still be stepbrothers and see watch other every day. The other one was to stay with Joey, but my mom would be unhappy and I can only see Joey under weekends and breaks...

I know I would do the right thing... So I looked up at...


Shane: Im sorry Joey... but... we are done...

I closed my eyes... I started to cry. I just felt how he walked away, slamming the door to his bedroom. I just broke up with the love off my life... I was so happy with him... and I had to break his heart, just to fix someones els.

Mom was hugging me, telling me everything was going to be okey. At least she can get back with Joe and be happy, even if it made me unhappy...

Joe had left the room to go up to Joey, I wanted to go up to him, kissing him telling him I just did it to save my mothers heart... But I cant keep our relationship a seared anymore... I love him to much to not show the world...

I didn't feel like for dinner or anything... my mom had gone and broth me candy and ice cream to make me feel better, but it wont... I could hear Joey trow the thin wall between our rooms... He have been crying, screaming, probably been trowing around stuff in his room for hours.

I knocked on his bedroom door a while ago but I just got "Get the fuck away from me your heartless pease of crap!!" It made me fall even more theirs just thinking about thous words... From Just this morning being called his everything to heartless peace of crap is a big change...

I hate myself for making Joey feel this way, I hate that I cant be his boyfriend, just his stepbrother...

I pulled up my computer and got to Joeys blog... he had posted just after he slammed the door.

"Heartbreak can be the worst thing a person can go trow. I should know, just a minute ago, Shane broke up with me just because the asshole told him too! I gave Shane everything! From stuff, sex and of corse my heart... I have never felt like this for another guy. Sure i have been being dumped before,but not like this. Shane told me he loved me, just like a minute after he broke my heart to billions of premises... I want to say he was bad in bed and his lips were the dries my lips met, but I cant say that, I loved him and I still have feelings for him but i need to forget him! If you want to help I give you my Skype."

Joeys words just made me left a comment saying

"Im sorry Joey <3 I love you too :,("

But just 10 minutes later, his readers had replayed telling how a ass I was for dumping him. I miss Joey, I love him.



I'm mad at the world okey... I was going to get Not Cool and I had to have an American bank card... Fucking shit... I will never see it now... So yeah I'm mad...

Beside that, I will end this story before November, but I will not give up on this story until then, you will get an ending and so

You can also add "Forgotten?" To your library!! Woho!

Question of the day!

How mad are you about this that not cool aren't selling outside usa and Canada? Or have you got the movie, if so let me know how it was so I know what I miss in this fucking world!

May the odds be ever be in your favor (because they are not in mine) good bye!


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