Luku 6

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I was so happy? Patrick had just made out with me. I couldn't believe it. He really did like me. But he came home to me this night. He climbed through my fucking window.

"Hi, angel." He said quietly while he woke me up.

"How the fuck did yo- eh forget it." I mumbled as I sat up on my bed.

"Baby. I have a suprise for you. Dress up so we can leave." He said and started to look through my closet and my drawer. He threw some clothes on me. I dressed up and we left. He took me to the school and I got confused.

"Why are we here?" I asked him.

"I'm gonna blow up the whole school." He said and he looked insane. He left me a few meters from the building. I was nervous but looked as he crushed a window with a rock. He climbed in and then it was quiet. Really quiet. I stood there and waited for at least 10 minutes before I heard a so loud boom from the building and the roof of the school fell in on a few places. It just continued to explode from the inside. The school was soon just a ruin. I didn't see Patrick anywhere and I got nervous. Then I heard someone yell at me and run towards me fast. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" I mumbled out as I ran my fastest. This was a whole new level of trouble and problems. I kept running down the streets untill something hit me. It was just a bean. I kept running home and locked the door to the house. I was out of breath. I was so worried that something had happened to Patrick. We, of course, didn't have school for the past months and I never saw Patrick again. They never found him either. He just disappeared that night and I really miss him. I think about him everyday.

It was a year later and weird things had started to happen in the town. Missing kids. I didn't really care but I was scared that I would be the next victim. I was walking on the road and then heard something from under me.

"Elisa! Elisa!" Someone yelled. I got confused and looked towards a sewer opening. I saw something move and walked closer to it. I kneeled down and then Patrick popped up in the opening. I got shocked and backed away a bit. "Oh Elisa! I've missed you so much!! Please help me!!" He said loud but it definitely wasn't him. I was so confused.

"Who are you?" I asked him and sounded a bit scared.

"I'm P-Patrick." He stuttered but I didn't believe it. Patrick couldn't have lived in the sewers for a year.

"You're not Patrick." I said.

"Yes I am! Who am I if I'm not Patrick!?" He asked me.

"I don't know." I said and stood up.

"No!! Come back!!" He yelled desperately. I didn't listen, I just ran home my fastest. I tried to forget what had happened but it was almost impossible.

The Truth {PATRICK HOCKSTETTER}Where stories live. Discover now