Chapter two

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She woke first the next morning to the feel of his body plastered to her back. One of his legs had slipped between hers and his left palm lay over her heart. They'd ended up in a position they often assumed when they slept together. The only difference this time was that they were completely unclothed. She loved the feel of his bare skin against hers. Slowly, trying not to disturb him, she turned in his arms so she could see his face. He grumbled a bit and turned to sleep on his back. She smiled. He was so cute like this. His mother had shown her pictures of him sleeping as a little baby and he still had the same pout. Only now the moustache covered it slightly.

She watched his eyes flicker and wondered what he was dreaming of. Whatever it was, it seemed to disturb him because he frowned. She pressed closer and laid a hand over his heart and threw a leg over his, putting her head on his shoulder and hoping to comfort him by her presence. His hands came around to hold her closer and he sighed. She lifted her head to find the frown gone and his face relaxed in sleep again. She couldn't resist kissing him softly and was rewarded with a pleased hum against her lips.

She put her head back down on his shoulder and watched as the sun slanted through the window to highlight the rich brown of his skin with a golden sheen. The small hairs that dusted his muscular arms and chest glinted in the light. Her own paler hand looked fascinatingly feminine resting against them. The mole on his clavicle, the one that had drawn her from the first time she'd seen it, stood out in dark contrast. She raised her head again and took in his full lips, high cheekbones, and shadowed eyelids. He was a beautiful man and she was proud that he was hers.

A flicker of a smile quirked his lips followed by a small groan and she felt his cock twitch against her leg. She smirked. It was time to keep her promise from last night. He'd been exceptionally good to her and he really did deserve a reward.

She laid a trail of soft kisses, starting at his forehead, detouring past both eyelids to his lips and from there to his earlobes and down his neck. She paused briefly when she felt his adam's apple vibrate against her lips in a soft moan and looked up to see him blearily open his eyes. She gave him a tiny smile and continued on her way down his body, pausing to pay special attention to the mole she loved and to each of his nipples in turn, earning several moans from him. She could feel his heart pounding as his body heated up.

She continued kissing her way down, using her hands to push the sheet covering them out of her way. Her mouth watered at the sight of him, all hard muscles and golden skin in her bed in the early morning sunshine. She sat up and straddled his legs, then pushed his hands away when he tried to use them to pull her hips towards his. Instead she scooted further down his body and, holding his feverish gaze, leaned down to slowly lick the head of his erection.

He jerked and groaned, his hands fisting in the sheets on either side of his hips. She repeated the action and he cursed. Slowly, almost delicately, she sucked the tip into her mouth and one of his hands flew to her head. He used it to sweep her hair away from her face. She let go of him and raised her head to find him looking at her with an intensely hungry expression. "Watch me," she told him, commanding him and giving him permission at the same time. His eyes flashed with desire before he used his free hand to grab more pillows to prop his head up at an angle that would allow him to easily see her. She smiled and bent her head again.

This time, she added a hum and a swirl of her tongue as she sucked and felt his hand in her hair flex. She purposely kept her movements light and slow, knowing that would make him yearn for more. His body grew taut, the muscles of his legs clenched under hers, the hand in her hair tightened into a fist, but still he didn't move his hips or make a sound beyond the occasional quiet groan. So. He remembered their bet from the night before and was still fighting. Well, she was impressed, but she was still going to make him beg.

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