𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭.

Start from the beginning

To everyone's surprise, Vince entered the studio, only adding to the awkward and uneasy vibe. He waved to everyone, also not saying much, just a simple "hey." Nikki handed him some papers, going on about how he had lyrics and how he made some adjustments.

"Home sweet home?"

Nikki nodded, his tone flat. "It's been too long, buddy."

"Here, have a bump with me," Nikki adds, picking up a small tray that had a few lines of cocaine already made. harper ran a hand down her face at the sight of them both, her and tommy exchanging anxious looks.

"I just got out of fucking jail," Vince reminded, causing Nikki to fall quiet and go back to playing his bass.

"You're an asshole," he jokes.

Nikki turns to Mick, who seemed like he wasn't in the mood to do anything. "Wanna show him the melody?"

Harper eyed Vince as he leaned down to snort the white dust that was on the tray. Like he said, he had just got out of jail, and now here he was getting high. It didn't matter though. Whether he got arrested again or not, his power and money would probably be his way out.

Vince wiped at his nose to get rid of any excess around it. He started to cough, gaining everyone's focus. Rushing over to the small trash can, Vince proceeded to throw up. Harper looked the other way, her face scrunching up in disgust.

"What the fuck was that?" Vince managed to speak in between gags.

"Oh, that was smack."

Tommy's head shot up, his wide eyes looking directly at Nikki while Mick shook his head. Harper did the same as Tommy, beginning to wonder why the fuck he would give him that of all things. Hanging around them for so long, Harper could sense an argument about to start between the two; This was nothing new for them.

"You guys slip me smack, and I'm the fucking problem?" Vince stood up straight, wiping his mouth.

The four stayed quiet, letting Vince continue to rant. "Yeah, I know what you're thinking, I'm a monster. I killed Razzle, yeah."

Harper breathed out heavily and sunk down in her spot on the couch, running a hand over her forehead. Tommy sat with his mouth slightly hung open, listening as Vince yelled.

"Could have happened to any one of you!" Vince stormed out the studio, leaving the four alone once again. Harper, before going after him, grabbed the few sheets of paper with the lyrics on it, hitting Nikki in the head.

"What the hell—"

"Look, I don't know what else you have going on right now, but you're acting like an absolute dickhead," Harper cuts him off, throwing the papers to the side. "Slipping someone smack right when they get out of jail, god, who the fuck does that?"

Harper rolled her eyes and muttered to herself, Nikki not being able to make out what she said. He watched as she goes after Vince, also getting a few words from Mick.

"Nice going, Nikki," he mumbled sarcastically, kicking his feet up on the table.

Harper pushed open the entrance doors to the building, scanning the area for Vince. He was nowhere insight meaning he must have left already.

Harper wasn't shocked that Nikki had found his way to heroin, he's in a band that solely revolves around drugs. Harper was more afraid of the future, what could happen to him. She's been around enough people to know what heroin does to your body, to your mental state. It was far worse than blow, she'd do that over heroin any day if she really had to choose.

It makes you go crazy: you vision and hear things that aren't there and you also can get extremely sick from it if you don't shoot up routinely. Heroin, she knew about it so well, because not only did Harper know people who did it, but she was one of those people. She's been in the exact same boat as Nikki, instead it happened years ago.

Why did she run away from Nikki and her life in LA for three years? There's the answer. She hated that side of her, how she gave in to heroin so easily. It made her feel good though, made all her pain and stress disappear. Soon enough though, her father got involved and dragged her to the west coast to fix herself.

Having Nikki follow her steps brought back horrible memories for her. The only thing Harper could do was try to stop him, but from the looks of him, Nikki was too far gone now.

She wasn't going to give up on him. No matter how difficult it was to quit, back then and now, Harper still put an end to it. And she knew she could get Nikki to do the same.

It'll take some fighting, but it would work out in the end.

It will be worth it.

𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐘𝐎𝐔,     nikki sixx Where stories live. Discover now