Part 3 : Old Habits

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Regular story

She lost someone. There's no way whoever is under that rubble survived. But I'll check for her sake. I'm a hero after all.•


When I woke up I got Laina ready for school. Dropped her off, and went to work. When I walked into the agency I waved to the lady at the front desk and walked to my office. My office was on the top floor since I'm the top hero so I toke the elevator. It was about to close when someone stopped it with there arm. It opened to reveal Kaede. He walked in and smiled at me.

"Hey Izuku!"

Kaede is my best friend at the agency . We normally go on missions together. And he's a lot of fun to have around the agency.

"Morning Kaede, got any special missions today?"

"That's why I'm in this elevator actually." "I'm going up there to check."

I nodded and enjoyed they rest of our elevator ride up to the top floor. Once it hit the top floor we waved our goodbyes and went to our desks. When I went to my desk there was a folder on it. I opened it and started reading.

A few minutes later...
(Yep totally read that in the spongebob voice.)

"So I have a meeting at 12:30 blah blah blah..."

So until that meeting I just sat around my desk and waiting for the clock to hit 12:20. And when it did I went to All Mights office. The walk was short since he's literally right across from me. I opened the door and sat down in front of his desk.

"Young Midoriya!"

"All Might!"

We gave each other a hug until we heard a knock at the door.

"Come on."

I turned to see who was coming in and my eyes almost popped out of my head.



"Ahh is this a high school reunion?"

All Might added in.

"No we meet yesterday, I'm just surprised to see him today."

I said. Me and Kacchan both work at different agency's so we never get to work with each other. And the sad part is that, that's what we've planned to do when we got out of UA. I guess things didn't go the way we planned.

Whenever it goes to a flashback I will always write it in third person. And then when it's over it will go back to whoever's POV it was. Unless it says otherwise.


"I got a deal to make with you Kacchan!"

"All right Deku, What is it?"

Izuku and Katsuki were sitting in a food court at the mall. Katsuki was sipping on a juice box and Izuku was eating fries.

"When we get out of UA we're gonna be hero partners."

Katsuki looked up for a bit to think about it then spoke.

"Alright Deku deal!"

They both held out their hands and shook them.

Flashback over

It made me smile at the thought when we were so close.

"What are you smiling at Deku?"

"Ahhhh- nothing!"

I quickly turned my attention back to All Might.

"Have you boys read the file I sent you?"

We both nodded.

"All Right, So the villain Know it All. That's his name." "We don't have much information on him yet, so I need you boys to do some patrolling around the city." "The file has the last known citys he's been seen in." "So pick one and get looking."


We both said in usion. We both walked out and went to my desk.

"So... is this where you usually work?"

I heard Kacchan ask as I went to look at my computer to pick a city to go too.

"Uhh, sorta. I usually just pick up my assignments here and then out the door I go."

I went on a map on my computer. And I was so focused on the screen that I didn't notice how close the person behind me was. I felt hot breath on my neck.

"So which city are we going too?"

I heard Kacchan ask. But he was wayyyyy closer. His voice sent shivers down my spine.

"Uhhhh...I- I don- don't know yet."

I tried to keep my attention on the computer, but that was pretty hard when there was a hot grenade right next to me. I toke a deep breath and leaned back in my chair. Thankfully Kacchan moved back when I did.

"He was last seen in Hosu city, so how about we go there?"

I suggested.

"Yeah I guess we could look around I doubt we'll find him tho."

I nodded and got up and we both walked to the elevator. We both got in and I pushed the first floor. We sat in silence until Kacchan started to speak.

"So, do you like your agency?"

I looked at him and gave it some thought.

"Yeah I guess so." "I mean it's one of the top agency's." "What about you?"

He stretched his arms over his head and let out a sigh. And when he did that.... oh god. He has his tank top uniform on and I'm pretty sure his muscles got bigger than they were in UA. And don't even get me started on his chest.

"Deku the elevator stopped."

Oh god I didn't even hear it.

"Ahhh- right!"

I hurried out the elevator with Kacchan following. I was a little embarrassed so my cheeks had a pink tint to them. Damn I got myself caught up in Kacchans hotness.


Izuku and Katsuki were sitting in the library studying together like they always do. But something was different. Izuku couldn't keep his eyes off of Katsuki's chest. His shirt was really tight today. So it showed his toned abs and his muscles in his arms stuck out. Izuku was practically drooling.

Flashback over

Oh no, back to old habits.

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 29, 2019 ⏰

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