While watching your surroundings you followed Phil as he dragged you along.

As soon as you approached the creek, you can see both boys. Thoma's black hair stuck to his forehead as he stood on top of a rock in the middle of the moving water, you can tell he fell in.

Lannion runs towards you, tears building up in his eyes. "Big sis, you're here to help us, right?!" He stammered.

You pat his blond hair, "Of course,"

"[Y/N]!" Thoma exclaims, calling for your attention.

You quickly placed your finger against your lips, "We have to be quick!" You added.

With your quick thinking, you ran over to a bush and searched for any logs of wood.

You found a long stick, not thick enough for Thoma to walk across but strong enough to pull him out of the river.

Holding onto the stick, Lannion and Phil stood behind you. They grabbed the end of it and gripped it tightly.

Once you saw Thoma's arms around the wood, you slowly started to walk backwards. You and the boys pulled, "Hold on tight, Thoma!"

Slowly but surely, Thoma glides through the water. The current was going against him, but the three of you managed to pull him closer to the shore.

As soon as the land was at arm's length, Thoma grabs onto the edge. You dropped the log and rushed over to pull him up.

"Big sis!" Thoma clings onto your white button up.

"You're okay now," You wiped his wet face with his sleeve.

"Thank you, big sis [Y/N]!" Phil hugs the back of your leg.

"Thoma is going to catch a cold!" Lannion throws his arms on top of the boy.

You kneeled down to match their heights, you gave all of them big warm hugs. Suddenly, you hear someone clicking their tongue in the distance.

Your head snapped up and you scanned the trees with your eyes. You separate from them and remembered that the game of tag still had twenty minutes left.

"I'm beat from running so much...!" Thoma sighs.

"You were chased, right?"

Thoma and Lannion nodded their heads quickly.

"Then," Your head snapped up. "She still could be here!"

You felt your ear twitch when you heard a twig snap behind you. The boys hide behind your body. Turning around, you were greeted by a smiling Sister Krone.

You raised your hand as a signal and the three boys dash away in different directions. They gave you a thankful glance and disappeared into the trees.

You grinned, sweating a little bit after saving your little brothers.

Sister Krone jumps over a bush, she makes her way towards you twirling around. "[Y/N], how kind of you to take the younger boys to safety!" She praises.

"It is my responsibility to help them!" You tilted your head and smiled, placing your hand on your chest proudly.

Sister Krone holds her hands against her chest, "It's too bad your helpfulness got you caught!" She laughs.

"You haven't caught me yet, Sister!" Your smile turned mischievous as you see a ball of orange dash towards you.

Suddenly, you were grabbed by your arm as Emma runs away with you.

"Incredible timing, Emma!" You ran beside her.

"I saw you save Thoma, I have to return the favour!" She smiles brightly.

Ray Oneshot Book [The Promised Neverland]Where stories live. Discover now