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I was talking to Piper, as she ranted about Jason and the other boys of the Argo II, and how disgusting they were. "--I mean, there was no reason to leave underwear hanging around on a chair. I SAT on it, for Zeus's sake! I mean, how bad can it get?"

"Well, my old sensei Rudy once hung his sweaty socks on Jack's peg work-out station. I remember Rudy throwing the socks up to him, and Jack throwing it down, and the socks landing in Jerry's mouth."

"Wait, what?"

"I know, right? And the best part is, that when it went in his mouth, Jerry screamed, then said that it was pretty okay. Can you believe him? He's just like Percy."

"Oh, my gods, you have no idea. He once found a chocolate bar on the floor, melting in the sun, and he took it, and he ate it! And the wrapper was open! Oh my gods, he hurled right after that..."

"Heh. That must have been pretty funny."

"It was, trust me." As I laughed along with Piper, I saw a head of brown,wavy hair. Wait, what? I took a step backwards. Piper stopped laughing and asked in a hushed voice, "What is it, Kim?"

"Is...that a new camper?"

"No, but he usually just comes for about a day or two, then leaves, so you've probably never seen him before. His name's Jack, and apparently he's a second degree black belt. But it's not really that hard to believe. I mean, when he trains, it shows. He's always doing some kind of karate move on the dummies, then teaching it to a few campers. I've learned a few moves from him. But he's really modest, like Percy."

"So...his name is Jack?"

"Yeah. Let me introduce you to him. Let's go!"

"Wait, Piper? What's his last name?"

"Brewer. Why?"

"Oh, that little..."

"Kim...? How do you know him--wait, he's the guy from your dojo, right? Oh my gods how did I not see this before?"

"Oh, that boy's going down, down, down. JACK!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2014 ⏰

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