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“C’mon Kasey lets go I wanna get to shopping TODAY!”Yelled Kelly. You know sometimes she is just so rude. I grabbed my wallet and my phone, put on my shads and walked downstairs.

            “You’re wearing THAT???” She said. I was wearing black shorts and a maroon crop top. I grabbed my keys and we walked out to my convertible. I got in the driver’s seat and we drove to the shopping center. First we went to star bucks. I got my Mocha Cookie Crumble and Kelly got a Double Chocolaty Chip. We then headed into Forever 21.

            “This is SOOOO cute!!” I said holding up a pair of blue jean high waists and a crop top that said LA on it.

            “Are you kidding me that’s so ugly, put it back.” Kelly commented.  The day dragged on. At about 3:30 we just walked around the streets. Some dude bumped into Kelly making her drop all her bags.

            “Listen……” she paused, a look of shock on her face.

            “Please don’t scream!” the guy said. Only then did I realize that the guy was LUKE FREAKING HEMMINGS!!

            “I won’t as long as you follow me!” She said as she picked up her bags. She grabbed Luke's arm and pulled him into an abandoned shop.

            “Listen here Luke, You are going to be my new boyfriend……”she started.

            “WHAT no!!” said Luke.

            “Yes…. Or my dad will ruin your career. My dad works for your record label all I have to do is call him.”

Luke’s POV

            “You’re blackmailing me!” I said.

            “ KASEY! GET ME MY PHONE!” The girl standing in the door way crossed the room, went into a bag and tossed the girl her phone. “By the way I am Kelly and that’s Kasey.” The girl gave me a little way. Kelly was doing something on her phone. She put it up to her ear.

            “Hi Dad um I just wanted to…..”

            “STOP!” I interrupted “I’ll do it ok!” She hung up her phone.

            “Good! Well I am Kelly Myers and over there is Kasey Brooks. I have one rule. You go NO WHERE unless you are with me. Unless I say you can. Got it?” Kelly said.

            “I got it.”

            “Ok so where are we going?” She asked.

            “Well I was heading back to the boys.” I said.

            “Great then you will get to introduce us to them.” And so we walked back to the boys and we went upstairs. I called all of them into the room.

            “Guys this is my girlfriend Kelly and her friend Kasey.” I said.

            “Kasey as in Kasey Brooks?” asked Michael.

“Hey Michael.” Said Kasey.

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