×It's Heaven, But Only With You💋

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"If there was another you, I wouldn't love them because you're the you that I love

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"If there was another you, I wouldn't love them because you're the you that I love."

Seongtae Lu





Korean [100%]
English [100%]
French [78%]
Russian [23%]


Submissive(?) Dom

"It's complicated"


(It's basically just manga fanart of Jimin from BTS but fuck it it's cute)

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(It's basically just manga fanart of Jimin from BTS but fuck it it's cute)


182 lbs.

Let's create a scene, shall we? Imagine little Taetae sitting on his butt in front of the TV. He's watching a dancing show and he can't take his eyes off of it. He wants to dance just like the women on the screen. So elegantly and perfect, something he wanted to strive for.

But his dad says no, no, no, no to everything that he ever wants. Even his mother listens to the influences of his father, but Seongtae is determined. He is strong and unafraid of the future. Unafraid of being himself and fighting for what he wants.

Sure, the snarky comments from his peers and his own teachers get to him sometimes. Because how, in a world that rejects you, can you truly accept yourself to the fullest?

Sure, in front of his father he stands his ground. Knowing that he can make it and that one day that the old man would regret what he said to him. He wasn't scared of their criticisms. And he'd been fighting all this time, so why not keep going? There was nothing more that he ever wanted.

Finally, it's the audition, and he stumbles at the end. He cries to himself, thinking he blew it but over the intercom he hears his name and that he made it. Finally, he'd made it! He didn't have to fight so hard anymore...

Years pass, fame and glory overcoming him and creating his life of luxury for him. But the discovery of a certain blonde Russian in the cold flipped his whole world. Suddenly, dancing wasn't the only thing in his heart. And he wasn't scared of fighting for what he wanted. Just like he always was.


♡Losing his mind♡

Puppies, dancing, acting, modeling, makeup, kisses, hugs, traffic at night, helicopter rides, traveling, food, baking and cooking, rice, Louis Vuitton.

Being challenged, being ignored, being too hot at night, when the closet is open, when his charger is stuck under his butt, being stared at, beans, Gucci (he thinks it's tacky).

Leaving marks, making his lover squirm, teasing, honestly anything rougher to spice it up.

Anything too vanilla gets him uninterested. Saying something wrong can get him in the wrong mood too—

It was the ultimate betrayal. Here he lay, eyes hazy and barely open from the tiredness surrounding his brown eyes. He looked at his husband, or, who he thought was his husband. Everything was a lie, but somehow, it didn't make Seongtae love him any less. He moved to sit up in his bed, legs hanging over the bed with his feet settled on the cold floor. He looked at the male's frame, eyes wandering as he took in the sight of him. He finally mustered up the words to say, fingers clutching the sheets into balled fists, "If we can't be together, then there's no reason to live any longer." He kept a strong, boring gaze on his lover, not wanting this to end. At least, not so soon. He raised his voice slightly, eyes looking fiercer, "So kill me, Richard... If that's even you name."

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