EP 1: ' what does he mean? '

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JOHNNY scratches his head in frustration. why can't he figure out this problem? his face of anger softens as he hears his roommate fiddling with keys to enter the house. the brown haired male hears the younger boy, also known as mark, messing with some papers. most likely from the mail. JOHNNY rolls his eyes. why didn't he think to get the mail? now, mark has probably seen the letter he was supposed to be receiving from his ex.

"yo, JOHNNY, who's TEN?" the boy younger than johnny, questions.

good, he didn't remember who ten was.

"oh wait," mark suddenly remembers something, "isn't that your ex?"

JOHNNY mentally curses at himself. why did he and his big mouth have to rant to mark that day? he turns around to see mark's face in the shape of a pout.

"it's nothing, mark," the older boy reassures. "he was just telling me something before he 'goes', i don't know what he means though."

mark laughs, "does he wanna get back together with you?" the light haired boy finally gives the letter to JOHNNY. "if not, i'll take him. your ex was HOT."

"whatever." the brown haired male feels the crease on the envelope, fastened with a sticker with some japanese writing on it. he sighs.

"is TEN really leaving america?" JOHNNY thinks to himself. of course, his didn't leave far from him, as they both lived in florida at this time. maybe TEN's just moving back home to thailand?

JOHNNY will deny it, but he's secretly worried about TEN's health. but why would he be worried?

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