The Dream of my death

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May 19 2019
So this dream happend last night and it still gets to me.What puts me on edge is it felt so familiar but I don't remember ever having this dream before.

It starts out me and a few people I knew from school as well as a couple friends are in a church in the town I used to live.There's also a creepy priest there as well.What's makes him creepy is he was overly friendly and seemed very touchy feely to us all.For some reason we were all sitting in a big bedroom that looked like it was decorated for a kid which added to the creepy factor.When I joined the others sitting on the bed the priest guy puts his hand on my thigh which makes me uncomfortable because one he's a stranger and two I've never been touched by a guy like that.The dream seems to fastworward a bit and I'm leaving with everyone to go see a movie played in some school or something.
Now this is where the dream takes a turn towards the dark and horrific scenes.We're all sitting on the floor enjoying the movie when two of my friends stand up and retrieve wooden bats before standing on either side of me.Despite it being just a dream I swore I could feel the pain of every hit.They mainly aimed for my head until with some miracle I escaped.I wasn't sure how but I ended up in a strange apartment building.I remember running down the halls crying and just trying to find a place to hide.Every door is of course locked and my pleas for help are ignored.The hallway turns into a room with a couple on the bed talking.They don't seem to see me.The room changes to that of an empty room with just me, a different couple, and a big window overlooking the road.I feel this is relevant for some reason but we're on the first floor.They two take notice of me and ask what I'm doing in there.I told them I was hiding and girl voices her doubt I touch my scalp and show  her my bloody fingers.They carefully lead me to the window and get me sit down which turns out to be a bad idea.They found me.The couple disappear like they never really there which makes sence because of the head trauma I suffered so why wouldn't my mind make up a couple that try to help me in a time of panic?I'm trapped now with now escape.I close my eyes and cry knowing what's coming.I feel the barrel of a gun touch the top of my head making cry harder.I don't hear the shot and I don't feel the pain but I feel blood or what I think is blood run down from my mouth.But the dream doesn't end there.I open my eyes and see I'm still by the window but somethings different.I'm no longer bleeding and there's no evidence of there ever being any blood or wounds on me.I stand and step outside to see people ranging from kids to adults walking around.I think nothing of it until I ask why it seems like everyone is getting ready for a celebration.A woman on the step then turns to me and says they were celebrating the joining of a new person.All I feel is confusion until her next words send a mix of emotions through me.These seven words were enough to make me feel fear, anger, and sadness.

Welcome to the land of the dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2020 ⏰

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