Death Note (The Anime)

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Ok, so, I LOVE DEATH NOTE! It is a great anime and english dub is just aas great as the japonese dub. It has action, murder, and very sad things to make you have feels. This is also the first anime that I have watched and loved. I love all the characters exept Misa, she's an annoy bitch. The plot is amazing and you feel what the character is feeling. But, after episode 25 or something, people say the show gets worst or can't watch it because a character from the main plot dies. I think it makes it better. Yes, it's sad but we have to wait and see if all their work payed off. If you haven't watched it yet you should. But, just try to watch to the end because it's awesome. I loved it and still do and the fandom is really fun and friendly. The fan fic's are great and everyone has their own twist to it. All and all it will stay my favorite anime for a long time.

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