Chapter X

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Out in the streets of Queens, Sophia was stalking through the shadows—already marking her third target for the night. A man following a lone woman for about fifteen minutes now, clearly eyeing the fat wad of cash he'd spied earlier when she grabbed something from the convenience store.

So Sophia pulled up the black facemask she bought right after the festival days ago, making sure it was secured over her nose and mouth before quickly following behind him. It didn't take long for her to shove a taser into his side just as he went to lunge for the woman, catching him off guard long enough to shove her fingers into a pressure point near his neck, rendering him unconscious.

"Call 911 to get him arrested and get home," she told the woman, who only nodded her head as Sophia put a zip tie around his hands and ankles.

This was actually the first man she'd "captured." The other two muggers she'd found had gotten away before she could catch them, instead choosing to help the men and women they wounded by healing them. She couldn't forget her wide-eyed stares as they watched her heal the gashes and clot the blood on their skin.

"W-Who are you?"

"Just someone wanting to make a difference."

For most of the night, she'd kept to the shadows. Because if anyone else saw her head to toe black and white suit with only a mask covering half her face, she felt like someone might still recognize her even with the golden contacts she'd put in her eyes. Also, she slightly felt ridiculous for even thinking that she was able to successfully pull this off.

She wasn't trying to be a superhero like Spider-man or Iron Man or any of the other Avengers. She just . . . she wanted to help. Too many nights she'd gone without sleep over knowing that maybe she'd been selfish to hide this gift all her life when she could have helped save people.

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