Everything Changed

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We were sitting there, in the hospital, waiting for someone to come out and tell us Vera was going to be okay.

It had been at least three or four hours before we heard anything.

A doctor came out to the waiting room.

"Hawkey?" He shouted, looking around the room.

"Here." Renn stood up, and walked over to the doctor.

I followed.

"Is Vera okay?" Renn asked.

"She's fine right now, she's resting in the ICU. She has three broken ribs, broken wrist, shattered pelvis, and a very serious neck injury. She should be okay, as long as she remains under the right amount of medicine." The doctor explained.

My heart sank.

"Can we see her?" I asked the doctor.

"Sure, come on back." He told us.

"Alexis, you go in first, I'm gonna explain to them what's going on." He said, looking back at T, Fynn, and Gytta.


I followed the doctor through the doors, down a hall, and into Room 2.

He opened the door for me.

"I'll leave you two alone." He told me. "I have another patient to tend to."

"Okay..thank you."

He nodded, and shut the door.

I walked over to Vera.

She looked so small. Laying in that bed, with a neck brace, cast on her wrist, and a tube down her throat, with it up her nose as well.

I pulled up a chair to her right side, and grabbed her hand.

She was very medically induced.

"Vera, the doctor said you're gonna be okay, just please let him be right. Please. You can't leave me." The tears came down. "You can't leave all of this behind. I don't know what I would do. I really hope you can hear me, because if something happened to you, what would Fynn and Gytta do? Renn, Taissa, your parents, Laryssa, Nadia, Victor, Najwan, Stephen..me. We wouldn't know how to go on. You're the glue that holds everyone together. Your fans would be so upset, I could only imagine. Just please, Vera, hold on."

I felt a tiny squeeze on my hand.

Renn came in.

"Hey. You alright?" He asked me.

I let go of Vera's hand, dried off my face, and turned around.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I sniffled. "Is T not coming in?"

"No. She said its too hard, she's gonna stay with the kids."

I stood up, and walked towards the door.

"I'll uh..leave." I told Renn.

He nodded, and sat in the chair next to Vera.

I walked out, and closed the door.

I put my back against the wall, and slowly slid down.

I sat there. Right outside Vera's hospital room.

The tears started again.

"Why?" Is all I could think. "Why Vera?"

I cried for a few minutes, and went to the bathroom.

I washed off my makeup, and walked back out to the waiting room.

"Is she okay?" Taissa asked.

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