( two. )

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At my apartment, I attempt to pin-point Becky's phone again, but my computer keeps buffering. Confused, I use my second monitor to view Central City using STAR Lab's satellite. A huge spike of anti-quantum particles are shown in the city, confusing me. Becky's powers are local, so how is she doing this? Locating the focus of the spike, I find that Becky is at work: the casino.

If I'm going to do this, I'm going to need to disguise myself somehow. Quickly rummaging through my closet, I find a nice, slim hoodie and an old Halloween mask. Grabbing my bow and quiver, I rush down to the underground parking lot and hop on my motorcycle, before rushing to the casino.

Sharpe's bad luck field causes numerous accidents all over the city, so I manoeuvre through the traffic jams and quickly arrive at the casino. When I arrive, the fire alarm is tripped, and people start rushing out of the building.

Thinking fast, I shoot a grappling arrow up to the roof and launch myself up. Running across the rooftop, I find the main room through a sky light. Very Green Arrow-esque, I crash through the window and land in the middle of the room.

My eyes land on Becky, and an idea comes to me. She can't affect anyone if she's knocked out. Grabbing a special arrow, which has a sandbag instead of a sharp edge, out of my quiver, I aim my sites at Becky. "You have failed this city." I murmur to myself, as I heard the Green Arrow say it once.

Releasing the arrow, a gust of wind comes through and blows it slightly up, missing her. The gust of wind turns it around and the arrow flies back at me, hitting me to the ground, as I groan in both pain and frustration. "How is that even possible?" I mumble to myself exasperatedly, as I roll over to find the Flash with cuffs on his wrists, and a sign on top of him, staring at me in slight amusement. "Well, I'm not the one who's stuck under a sign!" I shout at him, annoyed. "Says the girl who shot herself in the face with a sandbag arrow." he teases back, making me chuckle slightly.

Suddenly, the building rumbles as a wave of blue energy hits the building, negating Sharpe's powers, making me smirk. Quickly, I jump up onto my feet and rush to Becky, as Flash does the same and puts the cuffs that were on him on her instead.

She gasps in surprise, before looking up at both of us, who smile smugly at her. "Okay. Hi." she awkwardly greets us. "Hi." "Hey." we greet back in unison, sounding extremely sarcastic. "Um, is there, like, any chance that you're not gonna arrest me?" she asks, shyly, as Flash and I shake our heads 'no'. "No? I understand." she mumbles, making me smirk. "C'mon, Sharpey." I grab her by her upper arm and direct her to where the Flash is going.

After Sharpe is turned over to the authorities, I wait in an alley near the casino where The Flash asked me to wait in. Quickly, I hear a 'swoosh', as a gust of wind fills the alley. I turn around and come face-to-face with the Scarlett Speedster. "What you did was brave tonight. Why did you do it?" he asks, as his vocal cords are vibrating so his voice is distorted.

"Honestly? I don't know. I feel like... Becky was my responsibility. All I know, is that I'm going to keep doing this. You can try and stop me, but--" I explain, but he cuts me off. "I'm not gonna stop you. I was actually going to ask if you want to help me and my team." he tells me, surprising me.

Acting calmly, I smirk smugly. "Okay, but on two conditions." I explain, as he gives me a look, telling me to continue. "#1, I want a suit." I list, making him chuckle. "Done." he agrees, making me squeal on the inside. "And #2, I need to know who you are." I request, making him hesitate at first.

After a brief moment of thinking, he removes his cowl to reveal the guy who was eavesdropping on Becky and I at Jitters. Being fair, I pull down my hood and take off my eyepiece mask, making him smirk. "Anomalist." he greets, making me chuckle. "Eavesdropper." I greet back, making him chuckle. "I'm Barry Allen." he reveals, extending his hand. "Veronica Campbell." I mimic, shaking his hand. " So, when do I get to meet the team?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2019 ⏰

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