Chapter One

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  It wasn't weird or anything. Just a normal day, living my normal life, then BAM out of nowhere I fell to the ground in so much pain I couldn't even cry.

  My memory of everything after that was gone. Like a puff of smoke that was just blown away. I woke up in the hospital and tugged at the tubes coming out of my arms.

    "Dang it! No, don't take those out!" Someone screamed as I reached to tear the I.V. out of my hand.

    "What? I don't need it there." I snapped.

     My mom stood in the doorway with her hands resting on her hips. "Well that's false Zoey. Geez. This is your third blackout in a week. Try to actually give a crap." She said.

      I sighed. She was right. Ever since the shooting I had been blacking out twice sometimes three times a day. I rolled my head back and waited. I don't know what I was waiting for, a miracle or something. I felt like that kid off of Incredibles that said he was, "waiting for something amazing I guess."

          My body started to become sore. It hurt to breathe. The machines next to me began to go wack. The doctors and nurses ran in to check on me though I was fine. They were confused and tried to figure out  why the machines were going haywire and my body wasn't doing anything to trigger them.

       My hands snapped. I looked down. I saw electricity. " that can't be I should be dead right now?" I spoke to myself. Electricity snapped from my hands making the lights flicker for a brief moment. The doctors, nurses and my mom stared at me, horrified to come near.
   "Y'all, I'm just as terrified as you are, but you need to figure this out cause I don't think this is normal."

   They all hesitated, which is to be expected. If I saw a thirteen year old buzzing at her fingertips I'd freak out too. I really needed help though and I am not a doctor so I didn't know how to help myself.

    The doctors slowly made their way to my bedside and the electricity flowing from my fingertips had stopped. They put the cold metal of the stethoscope to my chest to listen to my perfectly normal heart.

   "Doctors, what was that? I don't think that should be happening." My mom asked still standing by the door with her hands close to her mouth.

 There wasn't a single word said. I couldn't tell if that was good or if that was bad. The doctors looked at the nurses for some sort of hope or something like the nurses knew the answer to the zapping of my hands.

One doctor started to clear his throat and began to talk, "well Ms. Zoey, it appears to be trickery of the light yes, yes that's it, now if you don't mind we need to leave."

  I sat there in surprise as the doctors and nurses shuffled out. My mom came and sat down on my bed, but not before checking the blanket for any stray electricity.

 "So...did you know rhinos are just unicorns that have let themselves go?" I joked, trying to make conversation with my startled mother.

 She looked at me like I had snake crawling through my ears, then she stood up. She backed as far away from me as she could possibly get. Her butt hit the wall and almost knocked over a bunch of tools on a small metal table.

 "Um well I didn't think it was going to be that bad..." I said while I placed my hands in my lap.

My mom didn't move. I chuckled nervously, rubbing my hands together.

"Alright mom, you can stop now. I'm freaking out just a tad." I shared.

My mom nodded and whispered, "um, Zoey, you are literally glowing."

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