Chapter 2: HOME

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"Madam, we're arrived." Saya rasa badan saya kena goncang sikit, saya tengok Nanny sue dan di belakang dia. My home.

"Welcome Madam!" Semua pekerja sambut saya di depan rumah. I felt warmth. Yes, this is where i belong from the beginning. I'm home Grandpa. I didn't realize when tears streaming down my face, Nanny sue, maid dengan butler tengok saya hairan. Semua dengan fikiran masing2 sebab saya nangis, Nanny sue mesti fikir saya nangis sebab Mason.

"Madam, dinner is ready." I was reading a report in my office when i heard a soft knock outside. It was Nanny sue.

"Thank you.." Saya letak tu file dan buka reading glasses saya. It's been a while, sejak kahwin dengan si Mason semua hal company dan clothing line saya kena handle oleh PA saya Andrea. Petang tadi saya call Si Andrea hantar semua report pasal company from the start i been neglecting the company. From my previous life, company kami bankrupt after 1 year of struggling. I was so ignorant back then, i think as long as i have Mason i will be alright walaupun company yang Grandpa built hancur. I'm sorry Grandpa, i promise i will protect this company and our family name. Even if its only me alone in this world from the Versales family.

Lepas dinner saya terus sambung review files. Sigh, walaupun baru 5 bulan lebih saya kasih tinggal clothing line saya finance issues drop 20%. Actually masa college saya major design tapi lepas saya graduate Grandpa pujuk saya further study business management. At the same time i'm a fashion designer of my own clothing line, QUEEN brand. It's time to make a comeback Jill!

Malam tu saya langsung tida tidur sketching for my next clothing line comeback. After one whole night sketching i finally made my next clothes! Saya susun tu sketchest baru simpan dalam safe box saya.

Saya keluar dari office, dari jauh saya nampak Nanny sue ketuk pintu bilik saya.

"Nanny sue..." I call her while yawning. Datang headache saya, it's been a while since saya rasa macam ni. I feel satisfied with myself.

"Madam..... Did u not sleep?" Nanny sue tengok saya risau.

"Hehe... It's okay Nanny sue, i'm going to work again tomorrow so naturally i have to take care of something.." Saya cakap lembut walaupun penat sudah eyelid saya. Nanny sue nampak muka saya yang ngantuk terus dia suruh sarapan dulu baru rehat.

"Madam, i will tell the chef to prepare lunch for Master." I was drinking my tea when Nanny sue talk. *cough cough*

"Madam..." Nanny sue datang dekat sambil urut belakang saya.

"No need.." I manage to speak.

"Huh?" Saya tengok muka Nanny sue yang pelik, indeed. Selama ni walaupun si Mason tida terima i will send him lunch everyday. Naturally, Nanny sue akan pelik dengan perangai saya.

"Urmm, he told me to rest today." I lied. I pinch the tip of my nose. Hilang selera saya cakap pasal tu lelaki. Everytime i remember everything he did to me, i can't help but hate him even more.

"Madam... I told you, Master is care for you." Nanny sue lap air mata dia, dengan senyuman yang lebar dia. My lips twitch looking at her exaggerate reaction.

"I'm done.. I'm going to rest now." Saya lap mulut saya guna napkin. Nanny sue angguk saja sambil senyum bangga dan happy. Gosh, if only you know Nanny sue. If only you know how evil that man is.

Nevertheless, i should stay away from that man and avoid coming back from that mansion of him.


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