Chapter 2 New Orleans

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After a three hour drive with my mother, who constantly talked about how good things would be in New Orleans, I was as happy as her when the truck rolled up the driveway to our new house.

Our newly bought house were made out of brick and the windows were old fashioned and white. I must say, my mother didn't have that bad taste in real estate. The garden was beautiful too, it had several hydrangea shrubs scattered around the house and red, white tulips lined the walkway. A few flourishing rose shrubs could also be spotted next to the porch, which connected to the main entrance. The grass had a healthy looking, green colour and you could tell that the former owner put a lot of effort into the state of the house. When I opened the door to the passenger seat and climbed down, I could sense a weak smell of those lovely roses. I started walking towards the house, curious to see how the interior looked like. I came as far as the porch before my mother stopped me in my haze of awe.

- Angie, would you help me carry these boxes, please? My mother yelled.

- I'll be right there! I shouted.

I walked over to the back of the truck and the instant I saw the load of moving boxes and furniture, I realized this was going to be a very long evening. Of course we only carried the boxes, but still it took us about four hours to carry all of the boxes inside. 

When I finally put down the last moving box I hurried upstairs to pick out my room. I quickly gravitated towards the most elegant bedroom in the house and also the best, according to my standards. It was small with purple walls and a white ceiling. I instantly fell in love with the balcony in the room, it had a breathtaking view over New Orleans. I could already picture the mornings, sun streaming in nicely from those big floor length windows, a stroll outside onto the balcony taking in some fresh air. A perfect way to start the day. 

The bathroom was also close by, which added to the reasons as to why this room was officially mine.

I went downstairs to settle the matter with mom. However I already knew that she would say yes, as a pathetic attempt to lessen her guilt, which was the result from forcing such a big change on me.

As I predicted she said yes and I went to get my moving boxes. 

On the boxes I had written "Ange" carelessly with a black marker. I carried all of the boxes upstairs to my new bedroom. Although I didn't have any plans of unpacking tonight.

Suddenly a rusty old ringtone echoed throughout the empty house, probably the doorbell.

 If I had to take a guess I'd think it was Aiden, the workaholic, since mom usually ran to the door when he came home from work. The peculiar sound of my mothers worn out boots hitting the floor in a distinct pace, made me doubt it was anyone other than him.

I didn't feel like welcoming him home, or to even muster up a simple hello. Instead I took a place on the floor, against the wall, and scrolled down to the name "Katy💩" in the contact list on my phone. 

I dialled her number two times but I didn't get an answer. Why wasn't she answering my calls? Had she already forgotten all about me? Seemed very unlikely, but the ominous feeling in my gut left me somewhat worried.

A while later I could hear mom and Aiden desperately trying to get my bed upstairs. When they finally had gotten the bed into my new room, in the right place, I ushered out my parents and closed the door without a word. 

Not even a thank you had left my lips, my anger prevented me from behaving like a normal human being and instead I threw myself on the bed and fell asleep instantly.

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