"Malfoy, be quiet and pay attention!"* yelled Professor McGonagall, making him flush dull pink and move away from Crabbe as the Slytherins all gave the professor a nasty scowl. Snape looked equally displeased as them. Pansy looked at Draco with creased eyebrows, before slandering Professor McGonagall under her breath.

"—by which time, many of you may be ready to take your
tests,"* Twycross continued, as though there had been no interruption. Pansy whispered to Draco at the corner of her mouth as Twycross discussed how the Headmaster lifted the enchantment that prevents Disapparition in the Great Hall for an hour, "What were you arguing about, anyway?"

"None of your business," replied Draco coldly, and Pansy rolled her eyes up to the enchanted ceiling.

"I would like each of you to place yourselves now so that you
have a clear five feet of space in front of you,"* said Twycross, and at once, Pansy began nudging everyone out of her way to keep her place beside Draco.

Snape went into their line to position them properly, and, to Pansy's horror, he has forced her out of her precious place and ordered her to stand in front. "No excuses, Parkinson. Move there!" he cried, pointing to the direction where the Ravenclaws began jostling to take the front rows. Rolling her eyes and stomping her feet repugnantly, she marched towards the front line and scowled at everyone who makes eye contact with her; including Anthony Goldstein.

She was standing with Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Emily Whortswaggen and Lord Addington. She can clearly see Twycross and his odd, frail figure from her place though she did not wish to.

"Quiet!" shouted the four Heads of House, and the Hall immediately fell silent. After a few seconds Twycross waved his wand and old-fashioned wooden hoops appeared a few meters in front of her.

"The important things to remember when Apparating are the three D’s!" said Twycross. "Destination, Determination, Deliberation!"*

Pansy rolled her eyes loathingly in everything Twycross is saying; she even went to the extent that she mimicks him wordlessly with exaggerated features. Emily forced herself not to giggle and even Theodore failed to surpass a small grin.

"Step one: Fix your mind firmly upon the desired destination,"*
continued Twycross. "In this case, the interior of your hoop. Kindly con-
centrate upon that destination now."*

She turned her head to see Draco and Crabbe still whispering to each other, although occasionally to avoid another unwanted attention. What made her blood boil is the fact that Harry Potter stands directly behind them. Pansy intends to slip into their line when Snape caught her eye—he's glaring at her; widening his eyes in warning. Reluctantly, Pansy marched back to her place and faced the front, frowning.

She initially thought of talking to Blaise, but the latter is too preoccupied while staring at his hoop. Heaving a sigh of frustration, she eyed her hoop nastily as if it has done something bad to her.

"Step two," said Twycross, "Focus your determination to occupy the visualized space! Let your yearning to enter it flood from your mind to every particle of your body!"*

How is that even possible? Why would I even yearn for a stupid, wooden hoop?! she screamed at the back of her mind, exaggerating her thoughts to the point that she's already cursing the day she first entered the castle.

To cool her head off, she glanced to the surroundings to check the others. Blaise is focused on his hoop although he looks slightly skeptical. The Hufflepuff Prefect Ernie MacMillan has turned pink because of too much concentration, and she sniggered. Professor McGonagall cast her a warning glare and she hastily turned her eyes back to her hoop.

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