"No, thanks. I'm already done," replied Robin coldly. Norman looked dumbfounded. "What?! But it's five in the morning-dios mio, what time did you wake up? Did you even sleep?"

Robin just looked at him incredulously and shrugged before turning his back again to fix the broken tapestry. Ulysses shook his head before whispering to Norman, "I hate it when he's in the noble prefect mode. At least he was fun during the party-I saw Emily and Ava surrounding him but he didn't push them away."

"Really?" asked Norman in surprise. "Amigo's got a girlfriend, didn't he?"

"Yeah, a Gryffindor. He's the only one in our House as of today who did that horrible decision," replied Ulysses. Norman looked more awestruck than ever so Ulysses spoke again, "Nah, don't be so surprised, though he didn't push Emily and Ava away-he still didn't give in to them, though."

"Such loyalty," whispered Norman disbelievingly. "Santa Maria, I think sooner or later I'm gonna pray at his feet."

Ulysses gave a chuckle. "Or you'd die because of his vast holiness."

Pansy went back down in a few minutes and went out the common room with Amelia; Agatha was also done and can't go with them. They walked the corridors together drowsily, with Pansy constantly shaking her head from time to time to wake her up.

"Did you really bring hard drinks last night?" asked Amelia one moment. "I wonder how did you do that?"

"We'll share the secret on your next year," replied Pansy, smiling. "Although I got to know it as early as fourth year because the last smuggler graduated-and I am the only one left that is best for the job."

"Is that so?" asked Amelia in awe. "You should've experienced the party two years ahead, then!"

"Actually no," replied Pansy as they took a good turn to the last corridor leading to the Prefect's bathroom. "The rule is the rule-although I was the one smuggling them, I never attended a late party until this year."

Amelia gave a gasp of astonishment. "Wicked!"

They came to a halt at the fourth door, to the left of the statue of Boris the Bewildered only to find Hermione Granger coming out of it. She gave Amelia a smile as a greeting which turned into a grimace at Pansy. Once she was gone, Pansy rolled her eyes and did not move in her place that Amelia have to look back from the door to check her.

"What's the matter?" she asked.

"I don't care what Robin would say-I changed my mind. I won't be taking a bath in a tub contaminated with mudbloods," she replied with a scowl.

Amelia looked equally disgusted for a moment before she decided to speak, "Well, we can drain the water and refill it again just to be sure."

But Pansy is being so stubborn that it took almost fifteen painful minutes (Draco, Norman and Ulysses has already come and entered the boys' bathroom) before Amelia was able to convince her to go inside with a condition that they'd clean the tub totally first before they took a bath.

And because of this, they stayed there for an hour (Hannah Abbot was losing her patience waiting outside) before they half-run towards the dungeon. "I hope Snape's still not there," whispered Amelia anxiously while cramming to fix her hair before they approach the stone door.

"Hornswoggle!" cried Pansy immediately as soon as they reached it. The stone wall revealed the door and let them enter, only to see Snape's huge back figure standing in front of them.

Amelia tried her best to shut the door quietly but the slightest thud was enough to catch Snape's vigilant ears. He turned around almost immediately after the door was closed flat to the wall, and stared at them coldly. "Ah, here they are." He pointed his finger briskly to the place beside where Draco is standing. "Fall in."

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