After Quinn healed me, he went to his big brother and gave him a hug and this is the first time that I saw Garreth acted like a child while cuddling Quinn.

It annoys me, very much!

I should be the only one who will cuddle my baby, not him!

Garreth is one of our clients and he always asked me to be one of his models when he had new products from his company. Now I know why because Garreth already knew who I was.

"By the Quinn, how about Henry? He's also a candidate for being your shield." Garreth asked.

"He failed the final test. I don't know if he wanted to try again since it's still open." Quinn answered.

"Well, this stupid wolf haven't acquired the earth and air so he's still not your official."

I hate his tone when he's referring to me like he really mocks me deeply. And his grin added to it. But, he's still the Sword of my baby and I should cooperate with him.

Garreth is too strong for me as of now. He's cool when he holds two elemental swords and just like assassins, he vanished and appeared then strike his enemies. I wanted to be like that like what I saw in Anime.

"Do you already have a plan on how to save mother and father?" Garreth asked.

"Yes. I send Raven and his group to sneak the undercave hall of the wolves." Quinn answered.

"So, Raven already found you. He's supposed to be with me but I was hiding here in this forest. No one can reach my house not by passing throught the forest of silence." Garreth said.

This stupid big brother got brains too. But, how come he didn't use Boswell as his family name. As I know, he's Garreth Yuchengco. I think he's hiding his identity from my family.

I was outcast when the siblings had a lovey-dovey conversation. Garreth is like a child when he's talking with Quinn. He tease, acts like a baby, and he always had skinship with my baby which it made me irritate by watching him.

"Quinn, will you stay for tonight?" Garreth asked him.

"No... we need to go back home. I need to work too so that I'll have my first salary." He answered.p


I forgot that I agreed on two hundred thousand for his salary and now I know that Quinn is a rich kid too. His brother, Garreth, is one of the richest young bachelor in the country. He earned almost billions. And Quinn deceived me by doing part time jobs without telling me that he's a rich kid.

This two brothers are cunning! I was captivated by Quinn and Garreth fooled me that he doesn't know anything about me.

"Big brother, I need to use the restroom."

"Sure... and I'll prepare the dinner."

Quinn went upstairs and Garreth's face turned into a protective brother. I felt that this brother has a switch personality.

"Wolf!" He called me and his eyes were glaring. "I know my sweetest younger brother is not a virgin already but if you dare to break his heart, I'm gonna cut your head out from your body with the swords that I have."

Damn this kind of threat!

And he got guts to tell me that Quinn isn't virgin anymore and how can he say about it?

"I am a man with who kept on his words. No matter threats your throwing at me, I am not scared. Once and for all, I won't listen to anyone except Quinn." I courageously said like I wasn't afraid.

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