King haechan👑: I missed you, class was so boring 😥but I'm done now, where are you?

You quickly texted haechan your location while slightly blushing because of his text and also the fact that the person you were just yelling about that you would confess to was actually him.

However, you quickly hid your blush from jisoo and looked towards the cafe door pretending to look out the window. You felt your face cool and turned around quickly "I'm guessing that was haechan, what are you guys up to tonight"

"oh I'm pretty sure he said he wanted to buy snacks and chill at his apartment, do you want to come jisoo" you asked. She quickly shook her head "no y/n, remember we have to confess today, you better not forget. You have to tell haechan your busy later" she said while getting up.

"I'm going to go find taeyong wish me luck" she said with a fire in her eyes. You couldn't help but giggle at her determination and watched her start leaving "good luck" you yelled.

Soon after she left you noticed haechan walk in "why is jisoo running down the street yelling that 'she can do it' while punching the air" haechan chuckled while approaching your table. You blushed remembering your promise but quickly got up "um I don't know, let's just quickly get some snacks" you said and left the cafe.

You noticed it had already become dark outside as you and haechan were walking but you were completely silent since, you were freaking out wondering how you were supposed to confess to haechan.

"are you alright y/n" haechan asked and you quickly nodded "yeah I'm fine" you smiled. You knew that you weren't fine and your heart was beating so fast that it felt like you were running a marathon.

You stopped by the store near haechan's apartment building and technically yours, even though you were heavily trying to avoid entering your own apartment. You and haechan bought a lot of junk food like usual but you noticed that he lead you towards the park.

"I thought we were just going to chill at the apartment" you question.

"I though it would be better if we switch it up a bit" haechan replied. You stopped at a patch of grass and haechan began unzipping his backpack, then he pulled out a blanket and placed it on the ground.

"have you been carrying that around all day" you said while laughing. You watched haechan slowly placed the snacks and he sat down "what, I wanted to go stargazing" he said with excitement.

You looked at him and froze, it was like he was trying to give you more reasons not to back out from your promise with jisoo. The more time you sent with him the more you found things that made you want to confess

"oh come on I know it's kind of dorky but It's going to be fun" he said while grabbing your hand and pulling you down so you sat beside him. You were both sitting there looking up and the stars, but all you could focus on was haechans hand still holding yours. Your heart was racing and you knew you had completely fallen for haechan, you couldn't deny it, the problem was how you were supposed to confess.

You were stressing over possible things to say but decided to take a break from your ridiculous confession ideas and sighed while looking up at the stars admiring them. However, you completely froze when you heard haechan speak "beautiful" he muttered. You turned towards him to notice he was staring at you intensely.

Even though it was dark you could see his face go bright red, you felt your face heat up as well. Then haechan looked very panicked "That was like the most cliche thing I could have said, I can't believe I'm starting off my confession like this" he grumbled while face palming. You looked up in surprise confession..... WAIT CONFESSION. You looked at haechan with wide eyes and he quickly looked at you.

"I know that was like really cheesy, but I-I like you" haechan said while nervously fidgeting. You couldn't even move out of pure shock "like not in a friend way, like the not friend way.... ugh you know what I mean" he huffed out while his face began getting redder.

After you sat there in shock for a while you noticed haechans face morph into pure regret

"o-okay so you don't like me like that, can we just forget about this ever happening-" but before he could finish his sentence you grabbed his hands.

"no, haechan I like you too, I-I'm just so shocked right now. I can't believe you like me back" you said in disbelief. You watched his face light up and he smiled while hugging you "so does this mean you're agreeing to be my girlfriend" he asked

You smiled and nodded your head "of course hyukie" you said. "my sunflower" he whispered while looking at you with loving eyes and your heart soared. "c-can I kiss you" he stuttered out "yes" you said laughing at his nervous behavior and you started leaning forwards. You felt his lips meet yours and your heart was thumping like crazy.

After a while you pulled away and you noticed haechans face was bright red "aww, are you shy now hyukie. What happened to the whole 'more beautiful than a star' pick up line" you giggled. Haechan grabbed your hand and intertwined your fingers. "you're blushing too" he said and your face started heating up more.

"also you're going to clown me about that for a while aren't you" he sighed.


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