"Thank you Frau Freydis". she replies respectfully.

"Are you enjoying the celebration?" Freydis smiles at her

Before Eira can answer commotion at the front of the keep disrupts the celebration. I move swiftly to be certain there is no danger but halt when I see what has caused the commotion, a young woman.

She stands flanked by my guards looking unsure and terrified. I immediately notice how stunningly beautiful she is. The second thing that I quickly notice much to my surprise is that she is dark-skinned. The color like the rich nutmeg we sometimes spice our desserts with.

"Who are you and why are you trespassing on McClain territory?" I demand in my most threatening tone.

I hate to frighten the girl as she seems rather harmless but I am the Jarl and no one can just trespass without consequence. She flinches at my tone and she starts to speak but is interrupted.

"My Jarl this is my....... stepdaughter that I was telling you about". Eira says quickly. She walks over to the girl and grabs her arm.

Once again, for the second time in one night, I'm rendered speechless. This is the girl Magnus had fathered. Somehow I expected someone younger. She bows her head as I continue to stare.

I wave the guards away and walk closer to her my wife clinging to my arm.

"What is your name girl?" I ask with a more calm, friendly tone.

She looks up at me and my breath halts. She has the most beautiful eyes I have ever beheld. Brown with a hint of yellow. Amber, I would say.

"Kali my Jarl". she says timidly.

Her voice flows like honey washing over me and I harden in my breeches. She is magnificent. The most stunning female I have ever beheld. For the first time since I married Freydis, I feel regret that I am already taken. But she is young and my best friend's daughter. Shame engulfs me for only a second before desperate desire replaces it when I notice her full breasts, the cleavage peeking slightly out of her dress.

Eira begins to move, holding the girl to her tightly. "Come, child, we are celebrating, you can meet the rest of the clan". she says moving quickly back to the main hall.

Freydis grabs my arm to follow as all the spectators return to the feast and celebration. However, my mind is in turmoil and my manhood is uncomfortably hard as I watch Kali walk, her round full hips swaying temptingly. Warning bells ring through my mind continuously as I stare with barely hidden longing

I know I am most assuredly in deep trouble.

Everyone returned to the celebration dancing and drinking continued and the laughter and joyful mood once again filled the hall.

I noticed Kali and Eira talking to many people no doubt she was introducing her to the clan. Kali looked shy but happy as I watched my clanswoman hug her and the men place playful flirtatious kisses on her hand.

A few lingered a little too long. Shockingly, heated anger rose in me unbidden in its intensity. I was ready to step forward and intercept but a hand on my chest stilled me. I looked down into my wife's eyes. she looked at me with concern

"You are tense my Jarl," she said teasingly "let us dance". She grabbed my hand not waiting for my response and moved us among the other dancing couples.

We glided across the floor Freydis had a wide grin on her face as we danced. I tried to keep a smile on mines as well but I was preoccupied staring at the brown beauty across the hall.

She had taken up a dance with one of my clansmen and I was tempted to rip his hands off her especially when I heard her laugh at something he said.

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