Where Does This Puzzle Piece Fit?- Expensive Skates

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The dynamics of Rich, Jeremy, and Michael is a little different for each combo. Find out how each interact with the other. It's cute fluff. Enjoy.

Jeremy and Michael had known each other for 12 years and they just had this easy and natural groove with each other.

They had always been touchy- feely, so it didn't really change all that much when they began dating.
The only thing that no one saw coming, was that they were in a poly relationship with another person in the mix. And what no one ever thought of was that, that person would be Rich.

Rich used to bully to two geeks relentlessly, ironically enough about being gay.

But their dynamic worked perfectly once you saw it.
There was the naturalness between Michael and Jeremy. They knew exactly how the other worked, where to touch, what to say. They had inside jokes inside, inside jokes and looks that sent a thousand words.

But then there was the bond that Jeremy and Rich earned through their Squips. They knowing of each other's pain. An understanding that no one else had to experience. And knowing lines and breaking points of the other.

The unexpected and unsure part was Michael and Rich. The two seemed like they wouldn't mix, but the opposite happened. The two didn't have years of knowledge of the other or a bonding term, but they could make a good situation out of anything. They kept the bright, and happy aurora of the relationship going.

Then there were the parts of the relationship no one but them saw.

Michael leaning closer to Jeremy when someone starts talking about the last year's Halloween Party.
Jeremy abruptly arriving at Rich's when he was thinking too much about the Squip and they silently cuddle.

Rich clinging to Michael after someone lit a lighter in the park.

But also,

Michael pulling Rich closer just to hear his undignified squeak.

Or Jeremy drowning in the confines of Michael's hoodie as the other two laugh at the floppy sleeves.
Not to mention Rich standing on his tip toes to kiss Jeremy even though he still can't reach.

Then there's the moments with all of them together,
Rich sighing contently from being burrowed comfortably between his two beautiful boyfriends.

Jeremy's high squeaks and laughter filling the room as he swats his hands at not one but two people attack his freckles with kisses.

And of course Micheal's hands are never cold anymore because he now has a boyfriend for each hand.

Their relationship was odd, and there was of course struggles. Each person was a puzzle piece that never fit in the quo-tan quote "usual puzzle".

But together they realized that they were never meant to fit in the puzzle.

They were always meant to fit together.

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