Beat This

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{A/n: This imagine is one of my early written ones so this may suck. I'm sorry}

Genre: Comedy/ Romance, Fluff

Warnings: None (I think)


Y/n and Harry had this keen habit of challenging each other to do stuff. This time though, the result of their playful banters and competition leads to something else ;) .

Edited /

Original Date Published: 19th of May, 2019


"Hah! I got an E on Potions!" Y/n obnoxiously told Harry as he scans his paper with a defeated look.

His paper has a large "A" on top of it, which isn't really that bad but they were debating on who can outscore who.

Obviously, Y/n won.

"What did you get, Ron?" she heard Harry ask and she gazes at the redhead.

"An A. But it's good enough for me." he answers with a small smile.

"I got an O." Hermione said from beside him.

"We kinda expected that, 'Mione. You practically did nothing but study the whole year. We'd honestly be more surprised if you only got an E." Y/n tells her and she fake gasps with a hand on her chest.

"Are you lot trying to tell me that I study too much?" she sarcastically asked and they all chuckled while shaking their heads.


"Bet you're too scared to finish everything that's in your plate, L/n," Harry challenged.

"I beg to differ, Potter. If I remember correctly, I'm one of the few people in the world who have a metabolism so strong that even if I ate half the food of a feast, I won't gain weight much." she stated proudly and he rolled his eyes at her attitude.

She just smiled at him as a way to piss him off before digging in.

"Why do you two do that?" Neville suddenly asked, mouth full of food.

"Do what?" they asked coincidentally at the same time. They narrowed their eyes at each other when they realized it.

"That 'challenge-each-other-to-do-stupid-stuff' thingy," Neville clarifies.

"Oh, it's something we always done since 1st year. It became some sort of tradition by now." Y/n answered before Harry can, earning herself a glare from the green-eyed boy but she just smiled at this.

"Sounds more like a married couple if you'd ask me, Neville." Ron mumbled from across them and they looked at him in bewilderment. 

"Shut up, Ronald!" Y/n yelled at him before throwing a whole potato at him.

He dodges easily, laughing all the while with the other Gryffindors.

A hand slams on the table, startling them, and Y/n's fork flew all the way to an empty cup beside her glass of pumpkin juice.

She looked at Harry and saw the smirk on his face.

"Can't do that, can you, L/n?" he boasted, more than asked.

Y/n scoffed and faced him, face showing no emotion. She then reached out and squished both his cheeks, to which he made some sort of sound resembling pain at.

Harry huffed and squished her cheeks back, completely ignoring the wide grins of their housemates.

They looked at each other with competitiveness in their eyes.

She quickly thought of a way to beat him.

'I wonder...' she trailed off in her mind, considering the risky idea.

'He'll probably get weirded out. But oh well, it's worth a bloody try if it means I'll win.' she thought.

Without thinking of anything at all that will make her back out of this, Y/n quickly let go of his cheeks and kissed Harry full on the lips.

Everybody gasped at the move she made. Even the Chosen One had let go of her face with wide eyes.

'Knew this was a bad idea. Fuck. I've screwed up big time!' she bitterly thought.

Y/n pulled away with a forced smile.

"I win." she whispered.

Unexpectedly, Harry shook his head as he tried to recover before grabbing her waist and kissing her back.

She was left in a daze when he finally pulled away, breathless.

"You know what else you won?" he whispers.

As corny as it is, Y/n went along with it anyway.


He leans in close again.

"My heart." he whispers.

"Get a bloody room and snog there! Spare us the visual!" Ron yelled, clearly teasing.

Y/n glanced at him with an evil smirk, "I suggest you shut up before I tell everyone what you and 'Mione had been doing in the Quidditch Pitch and in empty alcoves."

Both blushed at this and scowled at her and she just grinned and winked.

I know. It REALLY sucked. I'm sorry. I just wanted to get something out.

Word Count: 754}

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