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JUST A QUICK NOTE THAT THIS IS THE SECOND BOOK IN THE INIQUITOUS SERIES! Please read the first before this one! Thank You!

Hollis pov

It's been two years since I walked out of Harry's life. Two years since I've looked into his beautiful green eyes. It still pains me to think about. The thought of not being with the love of my life. Especially when you know you will never find anyone to replace him. He was my twin flame we are promised to each other. Without him I'll forever be alone. All because nothing could ever compare.

The warm spring night feels amazing against my bare skin. I'm only in shorts and a tank top so my arms and legs feel it the most. Spring has always been my favorite. A close second was fall but since two years ago I despise it. Now it's nothing but a shitty reminder. One I just want to forget about. It's hard though it truly is.

I've been mindlessly wondering around the empty streets. Just waiting for something to happen. My ankle boots make a slight scraping sound against the pavement with each step I take. It's been past curfew for a little over an hour now. No one is out not even demons. This is a boring night.

After another ten minutes of walking I hear another pair of steps coming from behind me. Looking behind me I see a possessor getting close. As soon as I see it I book it down the sidewalk. I count the ally's that we pass by.


"Human stop!" He yells at me.



"I'm not fucking around!" He yells again. This time his voice sounds closer to me.


At the fourth one I make a hard turn. Slowing down enough I let him get close enough to catch me. With most of his strength he throws me against the wall. His hand goes to my throat as he pins me against the wall. My hands go to his wrist to try and relieve some pressure. Looking at him I notice he has sandy blonde hair. Green eyes that in the very slightest resemble my favorite color. I feel as if a train has crashed into my body. All I can concentrate on is the sound of his laugh. The way his dimples pop out when he genuinely is happy.

Before I know it the demon is dropping me. My body falls limp on the ground. I cough as the normal amount of air goes to my lungs. Looking up I see Dani standing in front of me. I glance at the ground and see the ash of what used to be the demon.

"What the fuck was that?" She asks me irritated.

"Nothing." I groan as I stand back up.

"Obviously not you just completely froze." She fires back.

"I said nothing." My tone comes off harsher then I mean for it to. Then again she doesn't care. "We need to go. The others will come looking for us."

"This isn't over." Dani eyes me as we begin to sprint out of the alley.

Over the years me and her have been doing a lot of exercising to help ready us. At some point when I first left Harry one of us came up with the idea of hunting down demons. Well not necessarily hunting them, just killing the few that are unlucky enough to fall for our trap. It's really a way for us to get out our hurt feelings. We both want to go after certain demons, but we can't. I can't because as much as I hate him for what he has done I could never harm him. As for Dani she knows if she hurts him she might as well be hurting me.

We quickly hid behind a building as we hear cars get close to us. The light from the headlights shine bright. My heart pounds from the amount of running we did. They have been getting more and more demons. Hoping to get the right timing of catching us. For almost two years now they haven't and we hope to keep it that way.

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