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Travi boys pov
As my dumb father comes bursting in to my apartment studio yelling at me to get my ass up because I have a song to record. I get up and sluggishly move my way to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth, I put on a a black tight t-shirt and some ripped jeans, I grab my phone and check the time it's 9:30 Fuck I'm late, I lock up my studio and run down to my car and head off to the recording studio.

As i get ready to record my new album as we finished the first 3 songs of the day we all head out to get some lunch. As I'm eating my food oil over here people talking about the RAD LANTS I listen in a bit and hear that there coming to nockfell to do a concert. I decided to get a ticket too see how good they are and see why my dumb ass father wants me to do a song with them. I get to the spot we're there setting up and wait for it to start.

Sally boys pov

As we go on stage the crowd goes wild, we're doing a rock cover of cry baby by melanie martinez, the Sontag that made us go viral.

Of course it sounds a lot better that what are first cover of it because we've had a lot more practice. As we start the song I start to move my head back slowly unlike Larry getting whiplash from head banging. We do a couple mere songs then do the meet and greet. We all go back to the hotels where we're staying because we're staying for some time my dad needs some rest and so do all of us, we all go to are separate rooms and say good night to one another.

Me being fat I get some Dino chicken nuggets that was in my freezer. I put on a show and eat my nuggets playing with them while I do so.

~Time skip to day~

I wake up to my phone going off I pick it up to see why, I answer my phone, "Hello?" "Sal come down to my room." I wasn't quite sure who was talking so i looked at the caller ID."dad it's like 10am what's so important that you need me so early?" "Just come down here." "Ugh okay I'm on my way down." I get up and grab my phone and a water and head down to my dads hotel room.

I get to his hotel room and knock on the door, "dad how are you gonna call me down here and not open the door?" I say to my self seconds later he opens the door. I walk in and go the little living room area. I sit on the couch and wait for my dad to tell me what was important. "Well son the phelps are going to be meeting us at a restaurant I have a meeting with them because as I told you they wanna do a song together and that is the perfect way to get more money." "No way,why do we have to do a song with him there is no way I'm doing that." I say putting my hands up, "Yes you are and your gonna be nice to Travis, now go get washed up and tell the others." I don't move, "Sal,NOW" "Ugh, fine I'll go but I'm not making any promises to be nice to him." I go and gather everyone I take a shower and pull my hair into a ponytail then put on my mask.

I put on a black t shirt with black ripped skinny jeans. And a plaid jacket tied around my waist, I grab my phone and say bye to my cat. "By gizmo." "Meow" He says rubbing his body on my legs. "Oh shit, I also for got my shoes." I slip on a pair of black boots and rush out the door locking it behind me.

I go to the lobby and wait for all the others to get there asses down here. we all load up in a rental car and drive to the restaurant.
As we get to the place me and Larry were acting like little kids. "will you two keep it down." Lisa whisper yelled at us. "Yes mom" me and Larry both say trying to hold back laughter. We all sit down and wait for the phelps to Arrive.

As soon as they do I take noticed how much of a fake bitch she looks like, I try not to open my mouth and say something snarky. Larry leans over and whispers in my ear. "Mrs.barbie looks like she's ready to melt at any second." "I snicker and look down I hear Travis laugh a small bit I look over to him. He herd that?

Travis's POV

I here the emo pot head looking one say something mean about my mother. But I don't care I just laugh at it. I pull out my phone to ack like I'm doing something.
As I look my phone I just go threw some social medias. "Travis." "What?" I say looking up at my dad.

"Get off your phone." I just roll my eye and put away my phone. "Why don't you get to know the RAD LANTS and go out and do what ever you teenagers do these days." My mother says trying to act all sweet. "No thanks, I'm good here." I'm the blue haired boy or girl says I can't really tell
"Yeah that's a good idea, Larry take your brother and the other 4 out to have some fun." The guy who I'm guessing is the blue haired persons dad. "But-." "NOW." The lady on the other side of him says. We all get up and go out side.

"Hey dudes lets go share a smoke." Pot head Magee said"Can't mr. goody two shoes is here." said the e girl "I'm not a goody two shoes" I say glaring at the e girl I walk over to my car and unlock the door I hop in. I pull my chair back to where I'm laying down and put my arm over my face. After about five minutes I hear soft taps on my car window I look over and see the blue headed bitch by the passenger side of the car, I sit up and unlock my car doors he gets in and shuts the door. "Sorry about my brother and his girlfriend." "Brother?" Yeah we're brothers well, step brothers" "oh, well where did your friends go." "Well they really don't like you they said you seem like you have a stick up your ass."

(Okay first real chapter hope you like it lads and ladies)

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