:1: Cheering Up Maya

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:1: Cheering Up Maya

Riley's POV

Maya sat down on the bus stop in a busy street and I sat down beside her. She leant her head on my shoulder, her blonde hair falling down my back as she watched the people walk past, some walking purposefully and some just wandering aimlessly. "I miss him, Riley," she whispered, her bright blue eyes filling with tears. "I hate him for leaving me, and that just makes me hate myself, because you're not meant to hate your father, are you?"

"Oh, Maya..." I trailed off, unsure of what to say. So I just pulled her close to me and hugged her tightly. She tensed up slightly, but then relaxed and grinned brightly, all signs of her sadness vanishing instantly. "See, that's why we're best friends," I told her. "I can always cheer you up."

"And there are several added privileges with this honour," she told me.

"Such as?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"I can always annoy the crap out of you and you still have to love me," she laughed, pushing me off the seat onto the ground, which was slightly damp from the rain earlier that morning. She ran away shrieking, as I chased after her. I wonder how that must have looked to everyone walking along the street.


Fun Fact about this fanfic: I literally changed the tense I was writing in about 5 times, before deciding on past tense.

I have three more chapters written at the moment. I'm still deciding whether I should post them all now or spread them out.


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