count your blessings, not your flaws

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Glass half empty, glass half full
Well either way you won't be going thirsty
Count your blessings not your flaws

there once was a boy named Shaggy
he had pants that were baggy
they made people uncomfortable
but they were combustible
Fred and Scooby tried to stop him
but no matter what, he played the sims

there once was a boy named Shaggyhe had pants that were baggythey made people uncomfortablebut they were combustibleFred and Scooby tried to stop himbut no matter what, he played the sims

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so all these pictures are my emotions dealing with seeing my sperm donor today

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so all these pictures are my emotions dealing with seeing my sperm donor today

he can't come to my promotion so automatically he comes to take me out to lunch

i'll update this after i see him

and then my strictly gamer bud said no to playing with my friend and i

and i don't know how to feel, really?

then, last night when Lylah and I got muted on MSP, right?

it was for saying shit about Karen took the kids or whatever

i don't remember

i'm pretty sure i was ACTUALLY high

just some emo thingsWhere stories live. Discover now