Part 15

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Jaein P. O. V

I woke up feeling my leg hurting like the lion just eat half of my leg. Then in heard someone snoring quietly beside me and I turn my head to see TAEHYUNG SLEEPING BESIDE ME.

Jaein: Calm yourself. It's not like u haven't sleep with him before.

I wanted to stand up but I realise that Taehyung is hugging me.

I was blushing so hard so I tried to remove his hand but

Taehyung: *sleeping voice* Don't go yet. Today is holiday. Let's sleep more. I am sleepy.

For me I have to get up and I have to thanks her. Come on man.

So I saw a book near me and you guys can guess it. So I slam it hard on his head and I forgot that his another DID will come. Oh shit.

Taehyung: Hey beautiful. What r u doing here?

Jaein: WTF Taehyung?

Gucci: Me I am not Taehyung. I am Gucci and I do naughty things. *wink*


He suddenly come closer and nibble on my ear and whisper

Gucci: *whisper* Ugh u smell so nice girl. I want to FUCK u till u can't walk tomorrow.


When he was nearly kissing my lips, I saw that book again and I slam it hard on him. I feel bad for doing this but oh well.

After I finished slam the book on his head, I know that he come back and I started crying quitely but he notice it. Good job boy good job.

Taehyung: Which personality come out?

He suddenly hug me cuz I was crying my eyes ball out cuz I was nearly losing control.

Jaein: Y-your n-name w-was G-g-gucci.

Taehyung: Oh my fucking god! Are u ok?

Jaein: Yeah but I am so scared *start crying again*

Taehyung: *hug me tight* It's ok. Nothing will happen. I am here *kisses my forehead*

I started blushing so hard but I still said

Jaein: You will still get it

I just go and sit on his lap and kiss his forehead. At that time, Aunty Tulip just come in

Tulip: Oh I am so sorry, I don't know that u will be doing like this staff. I am sorry. *smirking*

Jaehyung: It's not what u think-----

Tulip: I just want to say the breakfast is ready and you guys can do everything like what u do at first *smirk and go out*

We two were blushing so hard like a tomato and I got off his lap and ask

Jaein: Do u bring my clothes?

Taehyung: Yeah here *hand me the clothes*

Jaein: Hehe so bye *literally run like a flash to the bathroom then fall down cuz of her injured leg but then stand up and go to the bathroom*

*In the bathroom*

Jaein:* Why my heart is beating so fast like flash? I should calm myself*

So I change into this and hope u like it.

*At the kitchen or dinning room*

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*At the kitchen or dinning room*

I go downstair to see Aunty Tulip and Taehyung sitting together (Not like literally together, they sit like face to face and the table is between them). I was a little bit jealous but oh well.

Tulip: Oh my dear, it's ur leg ok now?

*stand up and hug me like I am going to die in any second*

Jaein: I-i am o-ok. *nearly dying*

Tulip: Oh sorry he he. *release the hug*
By the way, here is your breakfast and I already inform your parents and they said it's ok and they let u guys live here for a month cuz they have to go the business trip.

Jaein: What about Somi Unnie and Jungkook Oppa?

Tulip: They also went with them and your parents already inform to school that you and Taehyung will not be going to school anymore cuz school sucks.

Jaehyung: *shock* Really? I AM SOO HAPPY. THANKS AUNTY.

*run to her and hug her like there's no tomorrow*

Tulip: K-kids. I know that u love me but c-can u-u let me b-breathe?

Jaehyung: Oops sorry. *release hug*

Tulip:*serious face* After u guys finish eating breakfast, call me. I have to tell u guys something.

Jaehyung: o-ok

*My goodness. Her face was so scary. I believe she suit happy face rather than serious face. *

We finished eating breakfast and Oh God, that was the best delicious breakfast I have ever had.

Taehyung: So let's call her. She is in her room.

*we went to her room but when I was nearly open the door I heard*

Tulip: I miss u, my niece and queen, Jaein.

Thank u so much for reading this ff. I never thought that this will be popular Bye 👋. LOVE U ❤️😘

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