Chapter 5: The Bottle Brings Out The Truth

Start from the beginning

        "Ugh we should get back." I told him regretably. He sighed and got up, helping me up as well. "I love the nights we spend together." Michael tells me. I nod. "They are nice." I told him. "Tomorrow is our last day before work on Monday. And our beggining of torture. You sure you're gonna be ok?" He asked. "I'll be fine Michael. I promise." I assured the red head. He gave me a questioning look, as if to silently re-peat his question. "I'll be fine." I told him again. I rested my hand on his shoulder. His brown eyes met my green ones. "I. Promise." I told him. He searched my eyes for a lie, but didn't find one. He hugged me and whispered "Okay." We broke apart and I said "Now let's go the fok to sleep." I told him.

         We snuck back into the dorm, hoping not to wake up Lindsay as we did so. Michael layed down on his pallet on the floor. "Your back is gonna be terrible in the morning." I told him. "Yeah I know. But where else am I gonna sleep?" He replied. I patted the bed. He gave me a warning look. "When Lindsay wakes up though..." he started. "We can explain the situation. Get up here." I told him. Slowly he stood up and walked over to the bed. I scooted closer to the wall when he climbed in. "Goddamn this wall is cold..." I whispered. He laughed quietly. "Then come here. Dork." He said and he wrapped his arms around me. I fell alseep in his warm embrace, not wanting to have to get up in the morning and leave his warm embrace. But unfortunately I have to.

        In the morning, I could tell Michael was already up. And so was Lindsay. "Slumber party in Rilki's bed last night?" She asked. "Yeah. You know his back would've hurt from the ground." I told her. "Suuuuurrrrre..." She said closing the fridge. "It's the truth!" I yelled, climbing out of bed. "Whatever." She said. "Its too early for this shit." Michael said from his spot on the couch. "And he speaks. Goodmorning Micoo." I said, impersonating his british best friend. He looked at me and then started laughing. "Oh my god... oh my god. That was... oh god." He said while laughing histarically. "What?!? What happened! That was good!" I asked, looking between the two. Michael laughed even harder at this. Lindsay even joined in on the laughter fest.

        When the laughter finally died down, Michael said, "That was terrible. Seriously." I frowned. "Fucker you try then." I told him. "Micoo! Micoo I'm scared!" He said, laughing like a cute idiot afterwards. His accent was preety good, I'll admit. "How do you do an accent like that so well?" I asked. He shrugs. "When you hang around a british idiot long enough, it grows on you." He said. Of vourse, him and Gav are better best freinds than how close my best friends and I are. And we are pretty damn close. But they are each others boi's. So I cant blame them. "Alright, I'll admit yours is pretty good..." I told him, crossing my arms. "Thank you, Thank you." He said and bowed. "Motherfucker..." I mumbled.

        "What are we doing about lunch?" I asked. "Uhhh, Subway?" Lindsay suggested. "Hell ya! Let's go!" I yelled and raced out to the car. Lindsay sighed, grabbed the keys and followed me out. I could hear Michael running after me. "Hey! Wait up!" He shouted. Once he finally caught up, I was at the car. He put his hand on my shoulder to lean on me for support. "You run... so goddamn fast..." He told me. I laughed. "You okay though? Don't die on me here." I said, half joking. He looked up at me and nodded while saying "Yeah I'm fine. Just more hungry now." I nodded. Lindsay had arrived by this time. "You two idiots tryin' to get caught?" She asked. We both looked at her, an eyebrow raised. "Please. Like it's not apparent right now." She said, hopping into the drivers seat. Michael told me to take the front and I obliged. We drove down to the Subway and walked in. I desperatly wanted to hold Michael's hand, but before I could reach, I spotted Geoff and Griffon sitting at a table with Milly in the far back. Geoff waved and stood up, walking over to us. Griffon stayed with Milly at their table. 

        "What are you fuckers doing here? On a date or something?" Geoff asked. I shook my head. "Fuck no." I could feel the blood rushing to my face. And I could see Michael blushing beside me out of the corner of my eye. "Yeah right... Ah congrats kids." He said and cupped a hand on both of our shoulders. "Fuck" We both whispered. "Guess we can hold hands now..." I said. Michael grabbed my hand. "Guess so." He said. I smiled. Just holding his hand made me beam with happiness, even if his palms did sweat a little. We ordered and sat down near the Ramsey family. 

        Lunch was amazingly good. We had fun laughing and talking about random shit that popped up. Basically, trying to block out tomorrow as much as possible. Because we both knew tomorrow was gonna be pure hell. "Alright, time to head home guys." Lindsay said, "Gotta see how Sophie is doing!" Lindsay said, smiling and skipping to the car. Michael and I both sighed, following the giddy red-head to the car. This time we both rode in the back seat.

        When we got back to the dorm, we hung out for a bit playing games, and stuff. I had Gavin come over at one point and take a pictures of the three of us from behind, sitting on the floor. I had an idea for a drawing that I would do later. At about 9 or 10, Michael said he had to go. We walked out into the pale moonlight. I gave him a hug outside of Ray and Tina's door. I rested my head in the crook of his neck. "I love you." I whispered. "I love you too." He whispered back. "Do you think we'll be okay tomorrow?" I asked. "I don't know. But we'll try to be." He said. I pulled away and he smiled at me lightly before kissing me goodnight.

We seperated to our own dorm's. Tomorrow would be hell, possibly. But we can get through it. I know we can if anyone.

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