"Wow! That's unbelievable." the female said

"Yes, well, I believe our viewers at home might like to know a little more about this new woman in your life so we've got some questions here for you, Sawyer." the male said

*Sawyer's POV*

"Alright." I said and Kane looked at me

"First question. What is your favorite hobby?" the male asked

"Photography. You can even ask Kane about that because I'm always taking pictures." I said

"That's good. My son is into photography. Alright. Tell us a little about your family." the male asked

"Well it's mostly just me and my dad on the farm." I said

"What does your dad think of Kane?" asked the male, "I'd think he'd be protective over his little girl, especially with a celebrity." 

"I dunno, especially since when they met he'd downed a few drinks." I cringed at my answer

"Broke my headlight on my truck too. With a bottle" Kane laughed and I sunk a little more

"Oh my! Sounds like more than a few drinks there." the female said

"He's a hard worker and will drink sometimes when things get stressful. His actions aren't always the best, but he is still a good man." I explained

"Well of course, everyone is a little different once they've had a few too many drinks. Even I'm guilty of that." the female laughed

"So how are you feeling and handling Kane and his panic attacks? It sounds like you play a key role in this." the male asked

"Usually I'm the one who helps him calm down. We take a few minutes to have some peace and quiet. He's slept a lot better since his team has had me join them on the road for touring." I said

"Which I'm sure they're glad about cuz things got tough without her and they originally didn't want us together." Kane pipped in

His management team glared at him slightly at mentioning this. Obviously this was different than what they wanted him to say. There'd be a talk later, but right now it was too late to take it back. The anchors looked shocked at this and taken back. I nervously turned my attention back to Kane, who had snaked his arm around my waist and was rubbing circles against the side of my thigh. It helped me relax and re-focus.

"What do you mean?" the female asked

"Well, my team was worried that she was in it for the money or part of the paparazzi, which none of that was true. They actually really hurt her feelings and caused her to run off. I later told me that she hurt her foot or ankle or something from falling cuz she ended up having to run through some fields and trees to get away from the paparazzi." Kane started

"Oh my gosh!" the female said

"Yeah, it was bad. They fought with me an made me return to my tour before I was ready to all cuz they didn't like how they thought it looked." Kane continued

"Guys! Can't you tell the real thing from the fake?" the male anchor jabbed at Kane's team.

"I knew she wasn't paparazzi cus she left the memory card with all of her pictures at the house with a note telling me and trying to convince me of what I already knew. So when we packed up, I left her a note and one of my shirts, no clue if she would come back and find it but she did. I ended up runnin out on another concert because I couldn't take another sleepless night without her. From there, I found her and we took off." Kane explained

"And they caught up to us at your mother's house." I chimed in

"An that's where I had a panic attack cuz of the pressure I was under from them. Once the ambulance came, they finally agreed that Sawyer needed to come with us on tour or else I'd lose it." Kane finished

"And have you been alright ever since?" the male asked

"Yeah. I've been feeling a lot better than before. She's definitely the reason too." Kane smiled

"Aww! How sweet is that!" The female anchor said.

"So going back to those rumors in the headlines, for those who didn't know, there were several magazines and articles that claimed that Kane had run away cuz he was expecting a kid. Is that rumor true?" the male asked

"No. I think we'd both like to be married and more settled in before we have kids." I said

"But that doesn't mean they're out of the question." the female smiled

"What about marriage? Can we expect a Mr. and Mrs. Kane Brown anytime soon?" the male asked

My heart skipped a beat and I felt a blush creep across my face. Mrs. Kane Brown. I hadn't even thought about that being my name if we got married. Kane's smile grew wider at the sound of it too. We hadn't had much time to talk about it while he was touring and traveling between shows, but we had briefly talked about it.

"I can't say, but it's not out of the question." Kane answered immediately 

I felt my heart rate skyrocket at that as a wide, toothy grin covered my face. I had seen the look in his eyes when he said that. It was the look he had whenever he was up to something. He wanted to marry me. Kane Brown wanted to marry me. He had responded without hesitation. He turned his face to look at me, and I bit my lip and looked down as the blush across my face became darker. I couldn't even hear the anchors thanking us for coming and closing out. I don't think Kane did either as he remained looking at me the whole time.

"What?" Kane smiled and whispered

"You really wanna marry me?" I asked

Kane smirked and let out a little laugh. He shook his head and looked back up at me. He leaned in, cupping my face with one hand, and pressed a kiss firmly against my lips before pulling away.

"Of course. I gotta get my t-shirt back some how, don't I?" Kane teased

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

This is the end of Won't Give Up On You - Kane Brown Love Story

Thank you for reading. Please vote. If you would like a sequel I can make one. Just let me know!

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