An Epic Duel

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An epic duel waged in a fiery wasteland. Two blue bladed lightsabers were contrasted against their fiery red surroundings.
The two blue lightsabers clashed against each other. The two opponents seemed to guess each other's moves without conscious thought. Those who wielded the lightsabers were enemies, but they had not always been.
They were friends, master and apprentice. But they had once loved each other like a brother. Now the brotherly love they felt was clouded by hate.
A silent viewer watched them duel. They could feel the love and brotherly bond between the two men. So why were they fighting? Why had they allowed this new hate to cover years of love and brotherhood.
The viewer wanted to call out to them, to tell them that love was stronger than hate. But no words would come from their mouth. All they could do was watch helplessly.
Finally one man overpowered the other, and he was left in the fiery ashes. The other man turned to leave.
Tears stung the silent viewer's eyes. They knew how it felt to be left behind. No one deserved to be left this way, not even the darkest person in the galaxy. But as she had the thought tears streaked her cheeks. She had done the same thing.

Rey opened her eyes, gasping. Her face and eyes were wet with tears.
She had never realized it until she saw someone else do it, no one deserved to be left behind abandoned. Not even Kylo Ren.
Who were those two men? Why did she see this? It wasn't a normal dream, it was caused by the Force. A vision. But why did the Force show her this?
Go to Mustafar. She heard voice say. She didn't hear it with her ears, she felt it through the Force.
She didn't know who was speaking to her, but she felt that she must do as the voice said. She had seen this vision for a reason, and she felt that the answers waited for her on Mustafar.

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