Lord Lucifer only heard something in the sky but as he looked to investigate it was too late. All 110 pounds of a young 11year old rammed into him with great force. Lord Lucifer could not stop the impact even if he had known ahead of time.The blast sent him flying backwards slamming into the side of a cliff. The impact had been so great that he plowed quickly thru the cliff and rock fragments went flying everywhere crashing into cars and hitting nearby pedestrians who had still been trying to flee the chaos.Troy stood there a little dizzy but proud of himself he landed on the beach and looked around to see no one nearby. Without moments notice Lord Lucifer dug himself out of the crater he had created.

“Impressive young one but a few tricks will not keep you alive nor will it be enough to stop me” He called out.

“I have more than a few tricks Lord dumbass” Troy shot out.

Within a second as Troy had blinked he was grabbed by the throat and slammed into the street where oncoming traffic had not stopped to see the brawl. The ground shook and as cars tried to slam on their breaks they couldn’t stop in time.A van carrying a family of 5 slammed into Troy running him over before losing control and flipping on to its side. Troy stood up and dusted himself off. As humans took to the streets and abandoned their vehicles Troy picked up a black corvette and tossed it at Lord Lucifer. As expected he had caught it but when he threw it down he did not expect to see two more cars, a mustang and a Cadillac flying at him.They slammed into him with great force pinning him down on the beach.Troy flew up with one more car and slammed it to the ground causing an explosion. It had taken a news crew 30 minutes to get to the scene but when they finally did they caught a glimpse of something miraculous.

“This is truly a miracle folks, Lord Lucifer appears to have met his match” the news reporter said as the camera man filmed Lord Lucifer flying thru the air and then into the ocean.

He had enough of Troy tossing him around he was ready to kill the last survivor of his most hated enemies. He rose from the ocean and quickly flew at Troy. As he approached Troy he picked up speed only to be met with a foot to his face causing him to crash to the ground. As he hit the sandy beach, sand flew in all directions. Screams of joy could be heard from a nearby news helicopter that had joined the reporting as they continued to film the battle. Troy had enjoyed hearing the cries of the humans cheering him on.This made him cocky and he flew down towards Lord Lucifer to hit him again but this time Lord Lucifer had a trick of his own up his sleeve. As Troy got closer he waited until the right moment and when that moment presented itself Lord Lucifer thru sand into Troy’s eyes. Blinded from the sand he couldn’t see anything he started to panic a little bit but was met with a powerful blow that threw him thru the sky some 6 miles straight up.

Sure of himself, that he had finally killed Troy he quickly flew to the news copter and spoke directly into the camera.

“You see, not even a little boy with some strength could stop me, I AM YOUR GOD,” he said demandingly.

“All bets are off everyone will now die for defying me” he raged.

As he continued to ramble he started to feel a breeze. At first he dismissed it but as it got stronger he could feel himself being pushed away from the news copter.Then it was too much Troy had successfully gotten him away from the news helicopter.

“Surely you didn’t think that a sucker punch was going to be the end of me,” he said.

“HOW” Lord Lucifer yelled.

The news reporter along with everyone else who was watching grew extremely excited when they saw Troy again.Troy’s adopted family became too excited and found themselves glued to the television as if they had been watching a very good soap opera.

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