Stuck in the Past

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Honey drips down his bare skin
Slow and sweet
From his broad gruff shoulders
To the flaps of skin webbing his toes
He is covered
Drowning me in an estuary of lust and liability
I cannot help that my mouth waters
And fills oceans
That he walks through with ease
As if his feet were flippers
And his neck had gills
And his eyes were nothing more than slits
Useless and blind
Incapable of recognition
Ignorant to my infatuation
Beautiful in every sense of the word
Beautifully soft
Beautifully warm
Beautifully encasing
I am a honey bee trapped in amber
And strapped with a thin chain
Dangling around his neck forever
The tails of field mice slithering through the grass
The powdery ice crystals fluffing behind a jet
The honey that drizzles his body
Becoming one with his caramelized skin
Beautifully soft
Beautifully warm
The lines of his abs speak lyrics
The sound of his voice looks smooth
He touches me with his silk hands
And a bit of his dew stains my shirt
He is forever with me
I am forever alone
Never to touch his lips
Or hold his love
Or spread his honey
Over my toast every morning
And be free to fly away.

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