A Romantic College AU Chapter 2

Start from the beginning

"Mitsunari. I also love your design" he said handing me back my book and taking my hand in his to shake it.

"Y/N" I answered responding to the shake. Even his shake was flawless.

"It's good to meet you Y/N, is this your first day?" Mitsunari smiled

"Good to meet you too, yes, it is" I answered him returning the smile with one of my own.

"Mine too"

"Ahhhhhh what time is it" I grabbed my phone. "No no, I'm going to be late"

I shoved my phone back in my pocket having a little trouble with it. I stood up and waved by to Mitsunari as I ran back to my lesson.

On my way there I heard someone shout.

"No, running safety first"

I didn't have time to stop but it kind of annoyed me, but they did say safety first but then what about if its one of those people who like to mess around.

Your thinking way too much into this Y/N

I made it to the door and swung it open with seconds to spare. I took my seat and listened to the lecturer with obvious interest.

Phew that lecture is over. That one was gruelling. I reached into my pocket to put my pen there and then my hands felt something stiff. It was a piece of paper.

That's when I remembered the piece of paper Shingen gave me.

I unfolded the paper and written on it was a phone number and his full name with a winky face next to it.

Oh my god I can't believe him. What was more important was now I knew his last name. 'Takeda' it has a nice ring to it 'Shingen Takeda'.

The lunch bell rang just then, howling loud into my ears. I covered my ears.

Where to sit. I haven't really chatted with anyone from my course. They don't seem to nice personalities.

I guess I could sit with that boy Shingen but what if all his friends are there or something and he seems like a flirt. I bet his has tonnes of his numbers on paper ready to hand out to all the girls he lays his eyes on.

I made my way to the cafeteria trying to calm my breathing from having to be around SO MANY people. Before I could open the door, someone came out and the door nearly hit me.

"Oh, sorry didn't see you there" he murmured walking away chatting with his friends.

I stepped inside before the door could shut on me.

There he is. He was sitting alone scanning around looking for someone. His friends were sitting close to him on a different table. How do I know they are his friends? You ask well for one they all kind of like Muscly and they hairs are kind of rugged looking and they are giving him the thumbs up and laughing with each other.

Shingen spotted me just then and smiled looking relieved and so so happy to see me. He got up from his chair and pulled the one opposite him out for me.

I sat down trying to be graceful but no I went down with a thud. He chuckled but I decided to ignore it.

"Thanks" it was an automatic response and I'd been raised right.

"So, how's your day been going? was meeting me the highlight of it" he asked smirking clearly accepting a yes. So, I decided to just not answer.

He moved on when he realised I wasn't going to say anything about that.

"I'm glad you chose to sit with me"

"Don't flatter yourself, I just have no one else to sit with" I glared if this goes anywhere south, I'm out of here.

"Still I'm still glad, Not liking your classmates?" he asked interested and slightly astonished that It looked like I hadn't made any friends.

"They.....um... are going to take some time to get used to" I thought about what to say before I said it.

He was about to talk when someone walked up. his build was muscular but not how Shingen's was, he looked like he belonged in the clouds with the gods. The way he walked was interesting with so much confidence in every step. I hadn't even looked at his face yet. I trailed my eyes up to his face where I paused. Clearly my mouth was hanging wide open. His hair was a fine blonde almost white. His eyes though were something else I'd never actually saw someone in person that had heterochromia. One green and one blue, I wondered which one of his colours were meant to be his real eye colour. His eyes met mine.

"What are you staring at" he said in a cold voice.

"Um, nothing sorry"

Shingen was up on his feet in front of the pale boy

"What are you doing here Kenshin?" Shingen asked the way he spoke told me they were definitely not friends.

"What, you didn't seriously think that suspension was going to keep me away forever did you?" he laughed the way a villain does in movies.

I looked around at the cafeteria and all eyes were on us like they were waiting for something to happen. Then Kenshin as Shingen had said looked around as well and all eyes diverted from us when Kenshin met their eyes and everyone started talking to each other again.

"Leave" Shingen demanded and I looked up at him shocked by his suddenly angry tone and facial expression.

"by all means I will, I'll leave you and your girlfriend" he looked at me and smiled a wicked smile that made me shudder. I didn't think people in the real world could actually be this creepy. "But believe me Shingen I'm not done with you" he announced as he walked off and out the doors. I watched in shock as people dived out the way as he walked by. What did I just witness?

Shingen sat back down with a sigh "Sorry, you had to witness that, your eyes are far to beautiful to lay sight on him" he spat out the last word.

He didn't even look worried! if someone said that to me, I'd be shaking.

"Who was that?" I whispered I know it was ridiculous but I was afraid he could still hear me.

"Who him? That's Kenshin Uesugi the bully of the whole school. Don't get involved with him" he explained in little detail about this Kenshin, he didn't seem to want to share much. It was like he had ordered me not too.

My few hours left went by in a daze and the next thing I knew I was in my room lying down in bed staring at the ceiling.

"WHAT A DAY" I said to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2019 ⏰

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