chapter one .

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Marley walked out from the back of the record store she and one of her best friends worked at. She dusted he hands together and groaned, leaning against the front counter as Audrey counted the money from the cash register.

"I don't think I've sneezed so much before. The storage closet is so fucking dusty." Mar said as she cringed.

"You probably shouldn't be back there if you're so allergic, Mar" Audrey laughed and shook her head, putting the money back in the register. 

The phone rang and MJ grabbed it, putting the phone to her ear. "California Records, this is Marley." 

"You and AJ better get your asses down here before the show starts." Nikki's voice rang out from the other side of the line.

"I'm not starting this show until I see your face, asshole." He continued, his voice deep and rough.

"Jesus christ, Sixx. We're literally about to close the damn store." Marley rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Alright, just hurry. Callie is bugging me about you both. Em can't make it cause she's stuck at the diner but we'll see her after. See you in a bit, asswipe." Nikki smirked, even though Mar couldn't see him.

"See ya, wastoid." Marley hung up and put the phone back.

Audrey looked over at her older sister figure and smiled. "Ready to go?"

Mar nodded and grabbed the keys to the store. They both went to grab their stuff and headed for the door. Marley locked the doors and they both headed over to the strip where Nikki's shitty band was playing.


The four walked into the diner and sat down at a booth, Nikki and Callie on one side, Audrey and Marley on the other. Emmelie had noticed her friends walk in, also noticing Nikki had a bloody nose. She brought over some napkins, Callie taking one to aid her boyfriend.

"So, I'm guessing that's it for London huh? What happened?" Em asked, looking down at them.

Nikki put the napkin up to his nose. "The singers an asshole, that's what happened."

Em glanced over and noticed her boss looking at her. "Alright, did you guys want anything?" She asked, taking her notepad and pen out.

"Jack and Coke." Both Mar and Nikki said at the same time. The others just laughed.

"I swear, you two could pass as siblings." Callie said with her thick Italian accent. 

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