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Reyna stared at her tattoo. It was a bass guitar with the moon in the background. She turned 15 ten minutes ago. After thanking for all the wishes that she got over the phone she finally had the time to look at her soulmate tattoo. It was on her bicep, just below her shoulder. It was high enough that the sleeve of her t-shirt would hide it. Hylla told me not to worry. That it was destined to find one's soulmate. But I couldn't help but wonder who it would be. Would it be a boy or a girl? The tattoo was supposed to denote the very core of your soulmate. Well then at least her soulmate played guitar. That was good. She loved playing guitar. And the moon? What does that mean? She was pointless worrying about it. Hylla was right, it was destined to happen. Until then she will have to move on with her plans. Reyna decided to go back to sleep. Tomorrow would be another tiring day of packing stuff. Hylla and Reyna where moving to New York. They had to live with their mother. Maybe she will meet her soulmate there. Another sigh. Reyna went to her bed and fell asleep the moment her head hit her pillow.

1 week later.

Beep Beep. Reyna's alarm went off. She shut it and rolled over. "Reyna! Get up! you will be late for first day of school!" Bellona shouted. No matter how matter how nice she is Reyna couldn't bring herself to call Bellona mom. She groaned and dragged herself to the bathroom. 25 minutes later a freshly showered and completely awake Reyna made her way down to the kitchen. "Morning Belle" she mumbled. "Morning sweetie. Breakfast will be ready in a minute okay?" Belle said. I just nodded and got myself a glass of juice. After a hurried breakfast and a hug from Belle and kiss from Hylla who was going to the university in the fall Reyna left the house in a jog to the bus stand. She barely made it in time. The bus had just stopped. She got on and looked for an empty seat. She found one next to a blond with striking grey eyes .She smiled when Reyna sat down next to her. "Hi. I'm Annabeth. Nice to meet you." She said . Reyna returned her smile, replying with my name. "Are you new here?"she asked." Because I have never seen you around and I know almost everyone in school."

"Yes", she replied. "I had just moved in from San Francisco." She nodded and turned to look out of the window.

 "I could show you around the school if you want" she suggested, still looking out the window. 

Reyna nodded and said "That would be nice. I don't know anyone here anyway." 

The other girl nodded in reply. Reyna liked Annabeth. She was not the over talkative type or the prying type. They had reached the school. After Reyna got off the bus, she just stood there wondering which of these buildings contained the office which held the schedule. That's when Annbeth helped. She said "You will have to get your schedule first right? Okay let's go to the office first then I will introduce you to my friends." After which started walking towards one of the buildings in the middle. Reyna followed her. We went in got the schedule and went in search of Reyna's locker. Which turned out to be next to one of Annbeth's friends. Actually it was her boyfriend. She introduced him as one Percy Jackson. Who offered his hand to shake with a blinding smile. Reyna returned his smile with a small one and shook his hand. The first bell rang. She looked at the schedule to find that the first period was English. Annabeth said "What is your first class Reyna?" 


Percy said "cool so is mine come on I will show you." Then to Annabeth "See you soon wise-girl." She replied with a "see you sea weed brain". 

Wise-girl, sea weed brain. Too cheesy for her liking. Percy starts walking and Reyna follow him to English. It turns out she had most of her classes with either Percy or Annabeth or both of them. Percy was kind enough to walk her to the next class, Math.

Reyna went in and the math teacher,  Mr.Anderson asked her to introduce herself and made her sit next to a punk girl. When she took her seat, the punk turned to her and said " I'm Thalia.".


She grinned and said "As in queen?".

 Reyna was surprised that she knew Spanish. She lifted my chin up and said "Exactly like that. You got a problem with that?". 

The other girl grinned even widely before turning back to the board. Mr.Anderson was talking about trigometery and how important the formule where. 

Thalia said, "Why would I have a problem with that.It's an awesome name. What I do have a problem with is this class. It sucks."

Reyna laughed at that. "What's wrong with math?" 

Thalia groaned. She said "I can never understand math."

Reyna replied, "It's not that hard you know." 

Thalia just groaned more.

Mr.Aderson shot them a look that said shut up now. As the class went on Thalia put her head down on the desk. Reyna chuckled. The bell rang and Thalia offered to show  to the next class which she was also in. 

The day rolled on. It turns out Thalia is friends with both Percy and Annabeth. I met Jason,Thalia's brother and Piper, his girlfriend at lunch. And soon the day came to an end and by the time they got out of school, we had missed the bus. Thanks to Percy and Annabeth who went missing doing god knows what. So, they walked home. Percy and Annbeth walked ahead together hand in hand. So did piper and Jason. That left her with Thalia, bringing up the rear. Which Reyna was fine with. Thalia wasn't that bad.

"So, what are your hobbies?" she asked. Reyna shrugged and said "I love playing guitar and watching anime and stuff I guess. What about you?" 

Her eyes went a little wide when she asked, "Acoustic or bass?"

Reyna said "I can play bass but I prefer acoustic." 

The punk's  eyes went a little wider.

"What about you Thalia? What are your hobbies?" Reyna asked, feeling a little self-conscious under her gaze. She had the best blue eyes. It looked like they had their own miniature storm brewing in them. 

"I guess mine are annoying my little brother and playing bass." She replied.

 Oh. That's why. 

Reyna said, "Cool. Are you in the school band?" 

She shook her head. "I hate those idiots. They have no sense of music."

 Reyna nodded. "So, what else do you like?" 

She was not the kind to make small talk. But, there was something about Thalia that she couldn't resist. Maybe it was her eyes? no idea. Whatever it was it made her want to keep talking to this girl.

 She scratched the back of her neck before answering tentatively, "I guess I like watching the moon and stars and stuff. You know. They just make me feel home. Calm me down I guess." 

Reyna gasped. Bass guitar and a moon. Could she be? 

Thalia asked, "What happened? Did I say something wrong?" Was she blushing? 

Reyna shook her head and showed her the soulmate tattoo. She gasped and rolled up the sleeve of her leather jacket to show me an acostic guitar and underneath it , Oh god. The symbol of the dark knights.

 Reyna loved their ideals. She actually had the same ideals. 

"You are my soulmate?" she asked. 

Thalia nodded and then grinned "And you are mine." 

Reyna just laughed and hugged her. She realized that Thalia was a little shorter then her. An inch or so. She rested her head on on the shorter girl's shoulder. Reyna had found her. It's Thalia. Oh god. Thalia pulled back and wait. Was she blushing? Oh she looks so cute when she blushes. 

Reyna laughed again.

 She smiled and said "I want to make this official. Reyna, I know I met you only today but will you go out with me?" 

Reyna giggled in a very unlike-Reyna way and said "Yes,love. Of course I will!" 

She hugged her soulmate again. They  walked towards the rest of the gang who had just realised that they stopped walking and Thalia took her hand. Now Reyna was the one who was blushing. Jason raised an eyebrow at our entwined hands but didn't say anything. Piper just smiled. Percy and Annabeth had their jaws hitting the ground. Thalia just rolled her eyes at that and said "Are you idiots coming or you are just going to stand there gaping?" Reyna laughed again. Oh this was going to be fun. 

Theyna Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now