Is This The Real Life?

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**** trigger warning

Claire's P.O.V

I wake up to my alarm clock, and sigh.

Interview day. I have to get everything done before 10, and it's 7:50 now.

I sigh again before getting up, and getting into black ripped jeans, and a blue tie-dye Panic! At The Disco shirt, and quietly walk dto the bathroom and put on some of the other girl's make up because they never notice. I put on a bit if concealer, a bit of eye liner, and mascara. After that, I head downstairs.

I start to make coffee for Miss. Avery, and other kids here. Yes. Kids drink coffee here. I start to make pancakes, eggs, and bacon, because I could cook almost anything, and I put in the toaster oven to keep everything warm for when everyone wakes up.

I walk back up to my room, and start to clean playing my playlist of emo quartet songs quietly.

I organize my messy closet, putting my Panic! shirts into one section, Fall Out Boy into another, Twenty One Pilots into a third section, and finally MCR into the last section of the emo part of my closest. I then separate my white shirts from my colored ones, and then have a section for my hoodies that I fold, and put neatly on the bottom shelf. I check the time

8:15 am

I sit on my bed, and look at my arms. Covered. In. Scars. Yes, I cut. It's the only way I could feel good. People just make me feel horrible, like I don't belong here. Like I don't deserve to live. So let's just say, I have depression, and I want to die.

Then all my fears of being beat today come rushing to me, and I start to have a panic attack. I start to cry quietly, and I go into the bathroom to cut again.

I take a razor, and take it to my wrist, I cut a deep, long cut, and it felt amazing. I let my blood run freely. I sigh in relief, I am ok. I wrap my arm in a bandage, and check the time again.

9:45 am

I gotta get down stairs.

I run downstairs, and see everyone chilling around, so I sit down, and start to listen to my music. I scroll through Twitter, and saw that Brendon posted something

So, me and Sarah have been thinking about ha-

And that is all I read before being yelled for by Miss. Avery. God why is she so damn annoying?

I walk over with a sigh, and get into line. I put my earbuds, and phone into my front pocket of my jeans. I check the clock on the wall

9:58 am

Two minutes.

I start to sing in my head so no one could hear. I start to sing Impossible year while I stand in the corner. I mumble the lyrics, and no one is yelling, so I guess that means that they can't hear. I hear the door open, and I look down at my feet. The couple makes their way over to the older kids there, and interview them.

Then there's me who is singing Golden Days, pianissimo, (very soft) and I hear foot steps coming towards me I start to get scared, and I hold back my tears. I was worried that I wasn't gonna be adopted, because who the fuck wants a 13 year old girl that looks like Ginny Weasley from Harry Potter?

No one.

I start to shake, and I turn myself around so I could walk towards the stairs, instead of walking, I sprint, and the male runs after me. I run right to the bathroom, close the door, and lock it. I grab the razor, and drag it down my wrist. It was a long cut which I loved because I feel good now.

I quickly wrap my wrist up, and open the door. I see a furious Miss. Avery, she pulls me by the hair, and slaps me across the face. It didn't hurt much, but it hurt. She then pushed me into the wall, and punched me in the eye, giving my a black, swollen eye, and tears that ran down my face. She kicked me in the shin, which I yelped in pain.

The male ran up, and saw me first, he took his phone out, and took a picture of Miss. Avery beating me. He then dials some number, and keeps quiet so that she doesn't know he's there. I cry holding my shin as Miss. Avery punches me in the arm, and cheek. I was weak. "You weakling. You don't deserve to live. Go kill yourself. Go die bitch."

She says to me as she spits in my face. She looks, and sees the male looking her with an angry face on. She tried to explain "I- I- I-" She was speechless. She actually had no words. I tried to stand when I fall I just crawl out the doors for the place, and climb the ladder to the roof of the place. I start to cry, ugly sobs. My body is weak, I can't feel anything. I try to see how far up the roof is.

Oh yeah, that would kill me. For fucking sure. I wouldn't have an effect on the world, no one would care about me. They already don't care about me already. So then why am I waiting? Ok, here we go. 3, 2, 1..

I roll myself off, not even a scream coming out of me. My body made a loud thump, and I could not see anything, I went unconscious.

Brendon's P.O.V

"How do you treat your kids like this?!  This is so uncalled for, and I called the police. They will arrest your ass, and you no other kid will be harmed. They will be safe. That is so disgusting, and CRUEL!" I rage at the owner, she just beat Claire, the girl me and Sarah wanted. I hear a loud thump outside, and I run to see a girl with ginger, red hair, laying helplessly on the ground "NO!" I run out, and pick up Claire's limp body, I start to sprint to the hospital. I see Sarah get the car, and start to drive. I couldn't let her die, she was our future daughter. I finally get to the hospital, and get doctors to get her into surgery to fix anything that happened. I sit down, and see Sarah run in, and sit next to me, pulling me into a hug and kiss. I swear this woman knows how to calm me down. She kissed me soft, and gently, like she always does, and hugs me tight. "She's going to live. I promise"

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