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"I like you." The words rolled off Yeonjun's tongue easily and boldly. There was no stutter or hesitation in what he said, or in the serious face expression he no doubt was making. Still, his insides danced around in nervousness, going all over the place in anticipation, in the (false) hope his ego had filled him to the brim with.

To him, the answer he would receive was almost set in stone, affirmitave.

So it came off as a surprise to perfect, smart, rich boy, basketball player Yeonjun that as easily as he confessed, as easily he got rejected with a stern, "No."

(Now, he wouldn't admit it to anyone, but perhaps his shoulders deflated, and heart sank and pout threatened to take over. But Yeonjun surpressed that, there was no room to give up.)

Yeonjun's left eyebrow raised. "I never proposed a question." he said, watching as Taehyun opened his locker to shove most his things in, only grabbing a pen and notebook.

"I'm not interested." Taehyun continued in a monotone voice, heading to his first class of the day.

Yeonjun trailed right after him.

"I still haven't asked anything-" Yeonjun tried, only to be cut off. "I said, I'm not interested. In your question or you." Taehyun spoke, quickening his pace.

Yeonjun puffed his cheeks out in minor annoyance, speeding up to walk side by side with Taehyun this time. Now he was just annoyed. That was not how his confession was supposed to go, it was supposed to end up with Yeonjun getting the single status off his Facebook so he could flex on his cousins and family and it was also supposed to end up with getting matching Instagram bios (though he didn't even know if Taehyun had instagram) and profile pictures.

Or it would end up with a new date added to Yeonjun's calendar, which was plan B if Taehyun didn't want to date Yeonjun, just yet of course.

Whichever plan Yeonjun decided to follow, it wasn't supposed to be following Taehyun around like a lost puppy. Or Yeonjun feeling an odd mixture of sadness (minor though, of course), anger (because Taehyun was being an unnegotiable and disappointment (because Taehyun was being an unnegotiable pain, and he expected the boy to be much nicer).

"I'll just take you out on one date-" Yeonjun winced, realizing that his voice was getting a higher pitch, as if he were begging at that point, and this time he was thankful Taehyun cut him off.

"I already said no." Taehyun said, making a sharp right which almost caused Yeonjun to lose sight of him. Almost.

But as it was getting later and later, the hallways started becoming busier and busier and much more crowded, that it was getting hard for Yeonjun to keep on trailing after the familiar mop of brown hair.

"Listen, you dont know me, I don't know you- a date would-"

"Exactly." Taehyun finally spoke until he disappeared into a classroom, multiple students rushing in afterwards.

And as if that already wasn't bad, the bell rung signalling classes would start.

Yeonjun puffed his cheeks out in annoyance once more, he lost Taehyun this time. But that's fine, Choi Yeonjun is not a quitter and he will make Kang Taehyun his.

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