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they went upstairs to go to the room. while yanchen was taping a piece of paper with ziyi's name, the doorbell rang.

ziyi ran dowstairs and went to the door. what surprised yanchen was ziyi didn't opened the door by himself. he asked ziyi about it.

"mama told me not to open doors if an adult is not around. she said that i should wait for someone older than me to open it for me," ziyi said. yanchen ruffled his hair.

they opened the door. it revealed another child wearing a blue denim jacket and black checkered top.

"come inside. it's cold there," yanchen ushered the children to come inside.

"what's your name?" ziyi asked the other child.

"i'm wang linkai," the newly-arrived child said.

"i'm yanchen, you can call me yanchen-gege. this is wang ziyi, he's a gege to you. how old are you?" yanchen said. linkai raised his left hand.

"oh? you're five years old?" yanchen asked. linkai nodded.

"i'll turn six on 20! i'll be getting older!" linkai exclaimed while jumping up and down.

"maybe ziyi-gege can go with you upstairs so you can choose your bed. call me if you already did, okay?" yanchen said to the two children. ziyi and linkai linked hands and ran upstairs.

yanchen rolled and put the suitcases at the living room properly. he also went to the kitchen to arrange the groceries.

the doorbell rang. again.

the children who went upstairs ran down when they heard the doorbell.

"ei! don't ran too fast! you might slip!" yanchen reprimanded. he opened the door.

it revealed bi wenjun, one of yanchen's friend. he is promoting in a band named nex7 with his other three friends. they went together in a show before.

"hello, long time no see!" yanchen greeted him.

"yeah, been busy with the promotions. are there kids already?" wenjun asked.

yanchen opened the door wider. wenjun saw ziyi and linkai.

"hello. i'm wenjun-gege," he introduced. yanchen introduced the children.

"this is linkai and this is ziyi. can you accompany the kids upstairs? i'll get your suitcase," yanchen said.

the two immediately held wenjun's hands and dragged him away.

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