1: Neutral and the Boring White City

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"Neutral! Wake up, I made breakfast!" Says a voice downstairs. It comes from a man with long black hair and red eyes. He has his hair in a pony tail and is wearing an apron with pink, yellow, blue, and green stars sewn at the bottom.

"Coming, Millila!" Neutral, a small girl that looks about 12, calls out to her friend. She throws on her favorite pink and green dress and puts on the yellow gemstone necklace she got from her parents. Then she goes to a small fluffy bed on the corner of her desk. 

"Bun Bon! Wake up~!" She tells the small gray and white bunny in the bed. It wakes up and jumps on Neutral's head. She grabs a small bag that was hanging on one of the pillars of her bed and Bun Bon jumps inside it.

She runs downstairs and grabs plates and cups and forks and sets them on the table. Millila brings over a skillet with scrambled eggs in it as well as a plate with bacon on it. 

"Here you go!" He says.

"Thank you!" Neutral says cheerfully and starts digging in.

After breakfast, she tells Millila that she's going outside with Bun Bon and she goes out. 

"Alright... where should I journey today...." She looks down at her bunny like she's looking for him to answer. Obviously, he doesn't and she makes her decision. "Fine! Be that way. I'll go this way." 

She starts marching through the grass and finds some berry bushes. "Oooo!" She squats down and picks some. "The blasty berries are perfect this time of year! Want some?" She puts one in Bun Bon's face and he nibbles it.

She gets up after putting some of the berries in the bag with Bun Bon and continues down a hill. Then she sees a line of beautiful flowers.

"Oh! How nice! I'll take some home and put them in a vase!" She runs down to them and starts picking them. She picks them for a while. And she continues to pick them. She's still picking them until lunch. Bun Bon is now buried in them. They lead all the way down to a path. 

"A dirt road? I've never seen this before!" She steps foot on it and not a second later, Millila appears.

"Neutral!" He goes down to the path. "You need to get off of the road! It's dangerous...."

"What?" She was quite confused. "But I just wanted to see what this path was leading to...."

"You're parents forbid you from going on this path!" He says sternly.

"What? The people who haven't visited here in 2 years?" She puts her hands on her hips.

"Neutral!!" He yells, though tries to stay quiet.

She sighs. "Sorry... but I just want to see them. I've been missing them. Can I please see them? I'm sure this path leads to the cities...."

Millila, who actually likes Neutral more than her parents, thought it couldn't hurt to sneak a peek. But, the cities were dangerous. Even Good, and especially Evil. If he was with her, she couldn't get in much trouble, right?

"Fine. But just this once. To aid your curiosity. I'm not sure which way goes to which city, but let's go down to this side." Millila says and points to the right.


"Just don't cause too much trouble, because they won't hesitate to throw you out or kill you."

"Ok..." She looks down at the now sleeping Bun Bon. "He shouldn't cause too much trouble...."

They start down the path with Millila on his best guard. He morphed into his blue glowing ball form so he could seem at least a bit Good so they don't kill him for looking too Evil. He was starting to regret this decision, as it was making him very anxious. Soon, they got to their destination-- a huge, white, gray, and very bland city lay before them. A huge gate was in front of them with a sign that said, "Welcome to the City of Good!"

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