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Vanessa's POV

Starting over is hard, but it's a necessity in life.

Those are the wise words of my mother before she passed away, along with my father, in a bad car accident. I would tell you the story of how they died, but than that would cause you to have pity for me, wouldn't it? I would rather you hate me then have pity for me. You wanna know why? Because when somebody has pity for you, they care about you for a couple of seconds then completely forget about you and your problem and continue on with their life. But when somebody hates you, they have to constantly remind themselves that they hate you and to ignore you and stuff, which causes them to constantly think about you. So, that means you are always running across their mind like a teenaged girl running across a hopeless teenage boy's mind that thinks he is in 'love' with her when neither of them have the slightest clue what love is, especially being 'in love'

That's enough about that shit, I'm Vanessa Robertson. A 16 year old girl that has to move in with my single, insanely rich Aunt in Omaha, Nebraska because I was an orphan after my parents died and my Aunt adopted me because she has no kids and says that she has to much money and space for just one person.

I was born and raised in the small, over packed town of Slidell, Louisiana. Never heard of it, huh? Most people count Slidell as New Orleans because we are only separated by a body of water and a five mile long bridge.

Back to the story. My Aunt, who I haven't seen in years, just picked me up from the airport. "Nessa, you don't mind me calling you that do you?" she said hopping in the backseat if the black car being driven by who I guess is her driver.

"Yeah, that's totally fine!" I said, trying to sound as perky and excited as I can.

"Good. How have you been?" Well let's see, my parents left without a goodbye and will not be coming back ever, so I guess you could say I pretty fucking great.

"I'm good, just glad to get away for a change, but I miss the old Dell already." I really do miss Slidell, but I'm glad to get away from there. "I remember when I lived in Slidell. I was just like you when I was your age, I wanted to explore and leave, but when I did I missed Slidell like crazy." I nodded my head, realizing that I didn't just leave Slidell because my Aunt adopted me, I could've stayed back with the rest of my family. I left because I wanted to.

"Well, we're here." I must've fallen asleep earlier. I stepped out the car and took in my surroundings. She lives in the neighborhood you would see in the movies. Big, 2 story houses with freshly cut grass and nice cars in the driveway. Teenaged boys playing basketball in the driveway next door, which I'm pretty sure they're starring at me.

Turning to my left, I had a bunch of eyes on me. HOLY SHIT BALLS THEY ARE SHIRTLESS. I just flashed them a smile, trying my hardest not to stare at there perfectly toned chest and back.

I went to the back of the car and started to grab my bags. "Here, let me help you." a tall, tan, fit boy with brown hair and a jawline that made my stomach

flip. "Uh, thanks." I am so nervous and I honestly don't know why.

"Thanks so much...." I said, not knowing this mysterious boy's name. "Jack, Jack Gilinsky." he put his hand out for me to shake, so I shook it. I couldn't help, stare at his abs and his arms, holy shit this kid is perfect.

"Eyes up here babe" I blushed and started fiddling with the hem of my shirt. "You're cute when you blush." that caused me to get redder, if that was even possible right now. I hid my face in my hands. Jack removed my hands and tilted my head up with his finger.

"You never told me your name beautiful." once again, he made me blush for the third time in less than 2 minutes. "Vanessa." "Well Vanessa, if you want to you can come outside with me and meet my friends, but you don't um have too." he scratched the back of his neck nervously. "I would love to meet your friends." I laughed.

"Guys, this is Vanessa. Vanessa that is Sam, Jack, Brock, Johnny, Mack, and Mike." I waved nervously. "If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put u and i together." Brock said. "Really? Too bad, 'cause n and o are already together." all the boys went 'ohh' "I like this girl." Sam said high fiving me. "Wait, so there are two Jacks." I asked, realizing that Jack said that there was another Jack. "Yeah, I'm Jack Johnson, you can call me Johnson though." the boy with blonde hair and blue eyes said. "That'd probably help." They boys continued their basketball game while I sat in the grass.

"So how old are you Vanessa?" Jack (g) asked, sitting next to me on the grass. "I'm 16. " "So am I. Everybody else is 17 besides Johnny, he's 18. That means you're gonna be a senior?" he said. "Yeah, at Westside. What school do you go too?" "We all go to Westside, we are all seniors." "I guess y'all are my new friends." I laughed. "I guess we are." he awkwardly laughed. I honestly don't think this can get anymore awkward.

"Nes, come here please!" my Aunt screamed from the front door. "Coming! I'll see you guys around." I said getting up and walking towards the house. "I guess you will Nes." Jack smirked at me. "Oh shut up Gilinsky."

"Yes Aunt Deana?" I said walking through the front door. "I'm in the kitchen sweetie!" I walked into the kitchen. "We are going out to dinner with some of the neighbors tonight at 5. We need to leave here by 4:30, please dress nicely." I nodded and headed up to my room.


this is short I know, the next will be longer I promise.

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