Playing Nice

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Loki eyes flutter open the to the newly familiar sound of his door opening, thanks to Y/n who had visited every day for the past three weeks. Tony walks in with Y/n standing close behind him. "We are allowing you to roam the tower, much to the pestering of your brother. We'll be observing you closely so don't get any ideas." Y/n smiles at Loki.

"Really?" Tony nods "Thank Y/n as well, as soon as he sided with Thor I no longer really had a choice." Loki half smiled. "Thank you..." Y/n moves past his father. "Do you like to read?"

Y/n walks Loki down to Tony's huge library.

"I've studied every book in here," He points to a tall stack of books sitting next to a miniature version of Ironman's helmet. "Those are all my favorites." Loki walks over to those, he picks up the one on top and examines it.

"I didn't know humans published erotica." Y/n grabbed the book from him. "They dOn't!" Loki snickers and goes back to looking at the books.

Loki grabs the few books he wanted to take. "God, I'm starving- or should I not say that... with you being a god and all..." Loki rolls his eyes. "Say what you will." Y/n shoots him a perplexed gaze. Loki returns it with a wide grin.

"How do you like it here so far?" Y/n questioned. "Well... seeing as this is the first time I've been allowed to leave my room in the three weeks I've been here... it's satisfactory." Y/n raises his eyebrows and giggled at that word. "You talk like such a dork." Loki's smiled turned wicked. "You've gotta give me more credit than that." Y/n couldn't help thinking that Loki looked like a predator, was he the prey?

Y/n backed up into a bookcase as Loki stepped nearer. "Don't look so terrified, you trust me right?" Y/n's eyes widened. Was this one of the illusions Tony ranted about? "Loki, you don't have to play strong for me..."

"Playing strong? Oh, Y/n... I'm playing nice." Loki flashes green and reveals himself. His jet-black hair was a mess haloing around his head, instead of his emerald green suit was a grey-green top and dirty black jeans.

Y/n stepped forward, his hand outstretched. "Loki...don't put up illusions for me. I'll be here no matter what." Loki took his hand, a small warm smile cemented on his lips. "Can't say your father would be okay with that." Y/n sighed and moved his body close to Loki, nearly touching. "We really don't have to worry about him." 

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