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Technology is an ever present thing that has made its way into the hands and minds of nearly every individual that walks the face of the Earth. And its long, winding tendrils can be felt by persons clear across the globe.

It demands every waking moment that its possessor can possibly give, draining them of their precious energy and ability to think and reason for themselves. But this symbiotic relationship is not without benefit, as the recipient of this mostly one-way relationship is fed with a plethora of stimuli.

So engrossed by these devices are the people, that they frequently put themselves in harms way for fear that they will miss even a single moment of online activity. As such, they bump into walls, fall over railings, splash into fountains and nearly become street-pizza. All to get in that last post, or tweet, or whatever it is people are calling opinions nowadays.

But there is something much larger that these people are unaware of. A thing which demands attention. But no one sees it. No one acknowledges its existence. Not even the people who are assigned to do so. They're too busy racking up a high score.

So what is this mass that has gone unnoticed? Quite simply a meteor headed straight for Earth. It streaks across the cosmos gaining momentum every minute it barrels toward our humble, little planet. Aimed directly at its center.

But providence is on our side, as an additional, heavenly body careens off course and flies so close to the speeding projectile that it alters the formers pathway, causing it to brush past the vulnerable, occupied rock that we call home. But not before its powerful aura tips one of the many satellites orbiting Earth, causing it to rock back and forth before resuming its course.

You would think that with such a catastrophe averted, the citizens of the pardoned planet would fill the streets, dancing for joy and proclaiming their overwhelming happiness at being allowed to live just one more day.

But this is not what we see. The people aren't jubilant, in fact far from it. They are irate and angered and hurl curses as quickly as they can put their minds to them. Why such hostility? Why so angry? Because the satellite that had been affected, dropped wireless connection for a whole five minutes.

Optimistically Cynical: A Short Story Compilation- 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora