|1| Old enemies

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Blue silently waded along the edge of the vast forest, observing the coils of branches and roots beneath the tattered shrubbery. The chilly morning air stabbed at her lungs as the dew upon the thin leaves descended towards the dry soil below. It was a brisk morning; the salmon sky was dappled with velvety, milky clouds and the golden sun was gradually beginning to climb above the gargantuan mountains.

Travelling upside the hills had proven to be quite a bad idea; given the fact that Blue had been walking all night.
And to make it even worse, she was alone- alone because of that creature: the hybrid that had murdered all of her siblings in cold blood. At least the huge carnivore had been killed by the underwater thing. The Mososaurus- that was it, wasn't it? Equally vicious in appearance, yet twice as ruthless within the categories of strength. It was a shame really, Rexy had left as soon as the foe had been dealt with- leaving behind both Blue and the memories of her deceased sisters. As if she didn't care.

The raptor set her mind back to the present, amber eyes scathing over the quiet landscape. She was almost at her destination- the top of the hill. She'd be able to see all over the island, both being able to map out and search the land below in search for prey. Perhaps her sharp eyesight could spot a weakened Gallimimus, maybe even a full-grown Triceratops if she were lucky.

Blue skidded to a stop, grunting slightly with satisfaction as she attained her desired destination. By now, the sun had risen over Mount Sibo, casting glittering shafts of gold across the lonely island. Whirls of orange were also bleeding into the sky, bestowing flaming colours upon the forests below. The raptor didn't even need to be up here, though the sky was the only comforting thing she had left in her miserable life.

Blue lowered her eyes, scrutinising the landscape with utmost concentration. A flash of beige caught her golden eyes, and she snapped her head in the direction of a group of brown dots.
Yes! She thought with satisfaction, letting out a shriek of triumph. A herd of Gallimimus were racing across a vast expansion of field, their slim frames darting around eachother; but that was not what Blue was looking at, she was looking at the conveniently placed triceratops carcass residing limply beside a cluster of trees. I can't hunt the Gallimimus, but that might do...

Skidding down the narrow hill, the former-beta kept her eyes trained on the corpse's surroundings, scanning for any possible predators or threats. Of course, it wasn't much to eat- seeing as how the majority of the dinosaur's ribcage was completely visible. Something large had obviously been here before; but what could she possibly do? Just leave crucial food alone just because a potential predator could be present? It was a win! Thumping onto the grass, Blue stalked towards her prey, digging in almost straight after reaching it.
The raptor was so engulfed in her meal up to the point where she had completely forgotten that it wasn't even hers in the first place. The sudden thump behind Blue knocked her out of her musings, causing her head to whip in the direction of the sound.

The dinosaur was ugly alright; its scales were a shade of scarlet that deeply resembled the colour of blood, long, brawny legs supported its bulk- a bulk that braced tiny arms that looked as if the minuscule fingers were fused together- They actually were, Blue noted with slight disgust. A huge, blocky head was sustained by a thick neck, sharp horns jutting out of the skull just above the eyes. This carnivore was no larger than Rexy- quite small in comparison, although it was most definitely larger than Blue herself. The creature roared, treading heavily as it advanced on the frozen raptor.
very well... Blue internally hissed, golden eyes narrowing dangerously. I've fought off much larger dinosaurs... I'm not giving this opportunity up...

Blue released a snarl, launching herself onto the beast's thick hide. The horned fiend gave a roar of rage, whirling around and stamping in circles in an attempt to shake the raptor off. Blue sunk her fangs and claws into the scarlet scales, screeching in surprise when the thick jaws clamped around her abdomen and flung her onto a rotten tree trunk. Ribs screaming in agony, Blue took a moment to right herself and bark another challenge at the foe.

The hideous creature stomped foward once again, its large face only just managing to rival the Indominus' own repugnant appearance- and that was saying something, since the hybrid was ugly. Suddenly filled with rage at the mention of her sisters' killer's name, the raptor vaulted onto her opponent once again, razor-sharp claws outstretched and teeth bared. Blue clung to the carnivore's neck, puncturing the pebbled scales with her claws as she bit into its throat. The larger dinosaur grunted in pain as Blue clenched her jaw, digging her fangs deeper into its flesh. Blood spilled out of the wound and stained the ground as the beast swung to and fro in a feeble attempt to dislodge its attacker. After several moments, Blue released her bloody fangs, leaping back onto the lush grass with a hiss.

The pitiful animal snarled one last time, before retreating back into the depths of the forest. Blue stared at where the other had left, golden eyes scanning the area. After she was sure the thing was gone, Blue painfully trotted back to her meal. Almost as soon as she had begun eating, a familiar scent- no, stench- reached her nostrils. Eyes widening with realisation, the lone dinosaur turned her head in the direction of the foul smell.

The raptor slowly stepped away from the carcass, fueled by morbid curiosity. She knew that she shouldn't. But she had to, didn't she? If there was even a chance that the murderer of her family could still be alive rather than burning in the deepest depths of hell, then Blue couldn't just stand by and watch that freak of nature murder even more innocent dinosaurs. Blue growled quietly to herself, padding closer towards the source. Her breath caught in her throat, amber eyes wide and alert with unease as her powerful tail stiffly swayed from side to side. The carnivore's clawed feet touched down on dry soil- a pathway- Blue noted. A thin trail of dry blood ran down the length of the pass, disappearing into the lush foliage several feet away. Blue followed the trail, her hunger long forgotten as the scent began to strengthen.

Blue suddenly paused. She knew that she and her enemy were divided by only a few bushes. The irony smell of blood was faint- but still noticeable. She's injured, Blue noted. Good, it'll just make this a whole lot easier.
The raptor flexed her bloodied claws, baring her fangs with anticipation.
She braced her legs, burst through the dense greenery and saw...

Absolutely nothing...

Not even a single scale. The only evidence of the red-eyed monster's presence was a couple drops of dried blood in the centre of the clearing. Blue whirled around in an arc, chattering with confusion. What? The predator wondered. I could have sworn...
She didn't understand. The hybrid's scent was strongest around this area; where was she? Suddenly filled with rage, the raptor snarled loudly, glaring at the trees and bushes surrounding her.
That was, until a shadow fell upon her, followed by the rustling of leaves. Despite her ill feelings towards the hybrid, Blue felt a cold stab of fear course through her chest, the icy barb impaling her straight through the heart.

A low grow sounded behind her, echoeing through her veins, echoeing through her stinging bones...
You've got to be joking...
Blue managed to muster up all of her courage and bruised ego and slowly turned around to face her fake alpha.
The creature's flaming red gaze almost seared a hole through her former subordinate, sending chills through the raptor as they had when the two had first met. Blue forced herself to swallow her growing fear, finally managing to find her voice. This was her arch enemy; the one who had caused her distress and sadness. This was the monster that ruined her life.
"You..." she hissed, voice dangerously low.

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