Chapter Two

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I barely heard the officers offer their condolences. It was the heavy footsteps of my brother that seemed to echo in my head. The sound snapped me out of my shocked state and I looked to see him run up the stairs.Then seconds later the sound of his bedroom door traveled straight through me and into the nippy air that was being let into the house. I managed to gather myself together for a few extra minutes when I realised that the officers were still standing in the doorway.

''Than..thank you for let...ting us know.'' I said whilst stuttering. I couldn't even form my words properly because of the shock. I still couldn't believe that my parents were actually gone.

Both police officers gave me a sympathetic look, which honestly made me feel worse.

''A family friend has offered to organise the funeral for your parents, obviously with both yours and your brother's input too.'' One of the police officers said.

''Okay.'' I replied. I didn't know what else to say so I just stared at the ground.

''We will leave now. The family friend said that she will be here in the morning and if you need anything just let her know.'' I nodded back. The family friend they were talking about was Claire, who had been my mum's best friend for years and she lived in the next town over, which was three hours away.

I watched as they left just as they had arrived. They hadn't lost anyone. In fact I had lost two people. The two that were the most important to me, whether I liked to admit it or not was a different story. I didn't really have a close relationship with them but they had been there for me when I needed them, just like they were for Alex.

Alex. I needed to go and check on him. He couldn't see the faults in them like I could, only the rights that they had done, the ones that he had adored. They mattered a lot to him and I respected him for only seeing the good in them but now they were gone, now I needed to be his sister, his mother and his father.

I went into the kitchen to fetch a bottle of water and quickly put together Alex's favourite sandwich. Our night had been ruined, I needed to try and make it better even if it only put a smile on his face for a moment.

I walked up the stairs to his bedroom. So many thoughts raced around in my head. How do I make his pain disappear? What happens if I can't make him happy again? The burning question which was the loudest was, Will I be enough for him?

Putting all these thoughts to the very back of my head, I knocked on Alex's door with a tap which I barely heard even heard myself. I waited a few seconds and a muffled sound came from behind the door. Taking this as my cue to enter, I slowly pushed the door open and stepped in his dark green room, which in other circumstances would have seemed brighter. I walked over to his bed and placed the sandwich and the bottle down.

"I made you a sandwich and brought you a bottle of water." I said to his duvet encased body. He didn't move and I stared helplessly at him for a few moments. He looked pained, like something was missing from his soul. I walked over to the other side of his bed and pulled some of the duvet over me. I put my hand on his shoulder and that was when I could feel the tremors of his body and hear the faint sound of him sniffling.

I laid down slightly and then pulled Alex over to me. He came without a fuss and we hugged each other like our own existence depended on it. I was grateful that I had him. We sat in silence, both of us shedding tears and trying to make sure the other didn't notice. Eventually, Alex had fallen asleep and I wasn't far from it either. The day had been emotionally and physically draining.


''Charlie honey, wake up.''

I opened my eyes to see Claire staring at me. Her eyes were slightly red and it looked as if she hadn't got much sleep.

I sat up and realised that Alex wasn't beside me.

''Where's Alex?'' I asked, my voice coming out groggy.

''He's downstairs. I made you both breakfast and I thought I should come wake you up to eat.'' She explained.

What I didn't expect was her to pull me into a tight hug straight after. ''I'm so sorry about your parents. You know I will always be here for the pair of you.'' I could tell she was trying to keep the tears in and trying to be strong for my sake.

''I know. I really appreciate you being here for both Alex and I.'' I said whilst hugging her back.

After about a minute we broke apart.

''I'll be down in a minute.'' I said.

''Okay honey. Make sure you don't take too long.'' She walked out of the room and I followed behind, she went downstairs and I went to my bedroom.

I walked over towards my wardrobe and pulled out a pair of skinny jeans, a plain top and my blue hoodie. After I had got dressed, I pulled my hair into a high ponytail with my dark blue highlights standing out from my dark brown hair. The highlights made my blue eyes stand out and usually they looked full of life, but today my eyes looked dull and full of sorrow.

I did what I needed to do in the bathroom, brushing my teeth etcetera and made my way down the stairs. I was met with the sound of plates being placed on the table. I could smell the bacon that had been made and it reminded me of the times that my mum had made my favourite breakfasts and most of the time I was in a rush because I woke up late. Which meant I would have to miss out on it.

I sat at the table right in front of Alex and to the right of Claire. There was no words of nonsense spoken just the sound of us using knifes and forks which scraped across the plate.

After our plates were empty, the whole room was silent until Claire said, ''I almost forgot Charlie. A letter was posted before and it had your name written on it. I'll go get it.'' She stood up and left the room before I could even reply.

''Do you know what it's about or who it's from?'' Alex asked with curiosity in his eyes.

I shook my end. I was just as oblivious as him.

He looked better than he had yesterday. I could tell he was trying to stay strong and not break down, and I admired him for that.

''Here you go.'' Claire walked back in and handed me the envelope.

The writing on the envelope was very posh and my name was written on it in what looked like black ink.

I tried to recall if I had sent for anything but I came up with nothing. Maybe someone was offering condolences for the death of my parents. But not many people knew as far as I was aware. So, with curiosity burning in my soul I turned the envelope over and broke the seal.


Hello! So sorry about the wait, my fault entirely as my laptop kept playing up. But here's chapter two hopefully updates will be more frequent!




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