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[E l e a n o r]

I watched the clock intensely, waiting for the bell to ring so I could talk to Brian and go home. The bell rang after 5 minutes and I rushed out of the classroom, glad that History was now over. I seriously don't understand why we need to know who invented lights and whatnot because they're all dead anyway.

I walked down the corridor to my locker and opened it, throwing my books inside after. Once I was done I walked a little further down the corridor to the school player, Brian. Once I reached him he looked me up and down shamelessly and smirked. His friends did the same and bit their lip.

"Can I talk to you in private?" I asked Brian.

"Sure." He replied.

His friends smirked and walked away. Once they were out of sight he focused his attention on me.

"So I heard that you're a player." I started off.

"The biggest." He smirked.

"I like that." I smirked back.

"Let's play a game." I continued.

"What type of game?" He asked.

"A love game." I smirked.

"How do we play?" He questioned.

"We act like a couple. So that means we'll sweet talk, play fight, text each other good morning and good night everyday, take walks together, give each other nicknames, hang out with each others' friends, go on dates, talk on the phone all night, hold each other and last but not least, kiss and hug. And whoever falls in love first? Loses." I answered.

He nodded his head and smirked.

"Alright then. When do we start?" He questioned.

"Right now." I smirked.

"Okay. So you're my "girlfriend" now." He said, putting air quotes on 'girlfriend'

"Yup." I replied, popping the p.


[B r i a n]

"I'm gonna need your number." I said.

"Give me your phone then." She responded.

I handed her my phone and she gave me hers. I tapped in my number and saved it under 'Babe;)'. We swapped back and I went straight to my contacts to see what Eleanor saved her number under. I scrolled through my contacts until I found her number stored under 'The Bae<33'. I looked at her and she smiled.

"Let me drive you home BABE." I spoke, emphasizing the word 'babe'.

"Okay BABE." She mocked me.

We left the building and I put my arm around her shoulder, causing girls to glare at her with envy and jealousy written all over their faces which wasn't a surprise. I mean, every girl wants a piece of me.

We strolled into the parking lot and approached my dazzling white BMW m6 convertible which was parked in the front row. I climbed into the drivers seat and opened the passenger door for Eleanor and she clambered in beside me. I began to reverse out of the parking lot and onto the main road.

"What's your address?" I asked.

"64 Cottonsmeade Avenue 01209." She answered.

"You live on the same road as Justin." I informed her.


I drove down the main road for about 10 minutes before taking a right turn onto Cottonsmeade Avenue. I parked up in Eleanor's drive and walked her to her door, like a boyfriend would.

"Thanks for the ride." She thanked me.

"Anytime babe." I winked.

She laughed and dug around in her bag, looking for her keys. Once she found them, she unlocked her door before turning to face me.

"See you tomorrow baby." She spoke.

"Bye babe."

We kissed for about 5 seconds then both pulled away from each other. She stepped into her house and I walked back to my car, hopping in straight after. I drove off towards my home and smiled to myself. I'm starting to like this game already.

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