Chapter 2: Zombie

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Tony POV 

Post battle dinner was a rather somber affair. Nobody spoke much. We just ate our shawarma. I'd nearly died. So had to other's but I hold champion for closest to death. I guess the city was in ruins, everyone could have died. Good job we whipped our asses into shape before that could happen. 

"You look like you have way too much on your mind" Natasha said with a quirk of the lips. "Let me guess some new project or how to dampen Potts' rage before her foreseeable lecture about doing dangerous life threatening stuff?" She asked and Clint snorted. 

"No it's something else" I muttered to myself. "When I went through the portal and Well was nearly dead I thought I saw something"

"Maybe it's just your imagination" Steve said. "That or a grim reaper or something" he said and I sighed leaning back in my chair more. "You seem pretty shaken about all this Stark, what do you think you saw?" He asked and I leaned forward trying to figure how to explain it. 

"It was a world made of blue and orange lights" I told them. "It didn't run through buildings just the ground and people, like infrared or something" I said running my hands through my hair. "Every single person was blue except one, he was both"

"Maybe it was Thor" Bruce said with a shrug. "I mean he's not from earth so maybe that makes him different"

"I think the person was dead" I blurted. "And He Said something And I was just thinking about it"

"What did he say?" Clint asked taking a bite of food. "Some inspirational quote? Death sentence?"

"Pretty much not to fear death" I Said and they seemed confused. "And that death helps people know that battles need to be fought for continued survival, Well something like that"

"Well that guy seems optimistic" Natasha said. We all just sat in silence for a while longer. "Maybe the blue light was effects from the tesseract" she offered and I contemplated. "Better than thinking there's something else waiting"

She didn't seem too bothered by it. There has to be something more too it though. Maybe I should find a psychic or something. Or medium whatever there called. Pepper liked believing in that stuff maybe I should talk to her about it. Unless she thought I was overreacting too. Or drunk. To be fair it is a crazy idea to think I was contacted by the dead or whatever they were. Maybe they had super powers or like the supernatural so they run on different energy to us. Wouldn't be the worse thing to happen considering there had been a literal alien invasion like an hour ago. God where are the days where all I had to worry about was Rhodey or Pep trying to drag me from the lab when I was on a roll. God knows they did that often enough. Hell they still do it fairly regularly. 

But what if I'm not overreacting and that guys just waiting to attack or something. Or waiting for help. I wonder if anyone saw him. He was pretty deep into the action. The team already think I'm crazy so definitely not asking them. Although cap was in range of the guy. Could ask him. What if he tells the team though and they decide 'hey let's kick the crazy person from the team'. But I'm not crazy. I'm not. I mean I wouldn't say I'm a picture of perfect health god knows the arc reactor is proof of that. But still would be nice to figure out what that was and all. I mean if there was some sort of energy running through the earth then we'd of harnessed it already, right? Unless it intangiable and does t hold a physical form. We can't touch it but it's in us so maybe we could track it. God that would be awesome. I should see if Brucie wants to help me with that. Guys smart and not judgemental. Well I don't think he would be considering mean and green. 

"Stark?" I heard called and I came back to reality. God my thoughts hadn't even turned that dark yet must they break my train of thought. "You okay?" Cap asked and I nodded. "Really cause a second ago you were a little out of it"

"Yeah busy mind nothing to worry about, what we do need to worry about it how long this shawarma is going to last" I Said looking at the food left on the table. "Who knew super soliders ate so much" I Said with a tone that if I was stood I would have my hands on hips and shaking my head a little. "Can we get some more food over here? Please and thank you" I Shouted as the chefs started getting to work again. 

"I wouldn't agree to feed Cap and thunderbolt over here a lot" Clint said. "You may be a billionaire but they will drain you dry"

"Oh haha"


"Pep" I Said as I laid in bed later that night. I heard her hum from where she was nearly asleep. "Do you think the dead stay among us or whatever?" I asked and I heard and get her turn over until she was leaning on her elbow looking down at me. "Mostly theoretical at this point"

"What's this about Tony?" She asked and I sighed. "Is this about the wormhole?"

"Sort of" I Said and she frowned more. "I think when I was falling unconscious and you know slipping I think I saw something big"

"How big?" She asked and I looked over at her. 

"I'm not too sure on that" I muttered before looking at the ceiling again. "But I think the person I saw does"

"Person you saw?" She asked. 

"I think I saw a dead person"

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