I woke up at 7: 00, the next morning and immediately grabbed my phone to check if I got any messages (mainly from Ash) but I saw nothing... yet anyway, I sighed and decided to get up and take a quick shower after my shower, I decided to dress in a black button-up shirt, a leather jacket, a pair of blue skinny jeans and some black converse, a little too smart? hey, my crush is there and I want to impress him.

 afterwards, I checked my phone again just as a message chimed through... from Ashton. I smiled wide at what he asked me, he wants me to drive him to school to which I responded with a "yes, of course," I chuckled to myself and walked downstairs but as I was about to walk out my house, I heard a voice. "and where do you think you're going?" I groaned and turned around to look at the person who spoke. "Father" I stated stiffly "I'm just heading out to school" I continued.

He crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows before quickly shooing me. I sighed as I finally exited the house, feeling the cool Autumn air hit me in the face. I quickly walked over to my jeep and unlocked it, revving the engine and driving to Ash's house.


It took a few minutes- 10 to be exact- till I was outside Ash's. I honked the horn to let him know I was here which obviously had worked as he immediately came rushing out to the car and hopping in the passenger side. "You good there Ash?" I laughed as I began to drive away. "Yeah... parents drive me insane, never leave me alone" he stated with a chuckle. Ash looked as hot as ever, dark blond, nearly brown hair and his eyes, the deepest blue I've ever seen.

"That is annoying, I know" I didn't want to tell him about my father or my mother who were split up- divorced- but both as cruel as each other towards me. Over the next ten minutes, we rode to school in a comfortable silence until Ash saw something. "What's this?" I looked at him as he held up a picture and I almost squeaked seeing as he held up a picture of me and my ex boyfriend, Darren. "Okay... That's me, when I was fourteen and that boy... is my ex, Darren" there is no point lying about it, I'm not ashamed.

Ash nodded then put the picture back down on the seat beside him. "So... you're gay?" He questioned but it was with intrigue and curiosity, no hatred in his voice which was a big relief. I nodded as we arrived at our school.

I waved bye to Ash as we both went in different classes today (after home room of course.) I had English first so I made my way to that class and sat next to the only other gay kid I know of in this school, Kion Hawke.

After that class, I had History with Clary who adored that subject then a break which was rather uneventful... two more classes then lunch which was rather interesting to say the least. I walked with Ash, Clary and Kion to the field where we usually hung out every lunch.

I sat down and immediately stretched my arms out in front of me. "So... how has the school been treating you Ash?" Kion asked. Before I continue, I should probably mention that I had a crush on Kion for awhile and Honestly... how could I not with his beautiful black hair and blue eyes, gorgeous. Ash shrugged and drank a bit of his water. "It's great actually... not many bullies" he stated and Smiled. We all nodded and settled comfortably in our spots on the grass, it's moments like these I love, moments with my friends.

I began fiddling with my thumbs as I looked around then down again. "That's great Ash..." I closed my eyes as a memory began to play in my head. It was my sixth grade year, the year I got bullied the most. Anyway, it was a day like any other until I got cornered in the bathroom and beaten, beaten until I was a bloody mess... I could barely see, move or speak.

"Hey, you ok Jess?" A voice jolted me from my thoughts and I nodded while looking at Ash then at Kion and Clary before standing up and heading to the bathroom. I sat against the door and breathed in then out, not wanting to worry the others but... I self harm, not cutting myself but more like... punching walls and myself just to feel non lethal pain... I jumped when I heard the door open and... standing there was the last person I expected to see and the last person I wanted to see... Darren Martin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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